Hi there again, as the title suggests, I do want to ask a few questions about…
New Jingles from TMs iJingles May Session
Anyone else got new jingles from this latest session? I’ll get the ball rolling by sharing…
WPOE version of TM “Impressions”
Hello everyone. I was the PD at WPOE in the mid 80’s and never thought of…
Old Buzz FM jingles from TM
So, I listened to some good Buzz FM jingles on JMR, and that got me thinking.…
New J1 from Ignite – sung at TM – first Ignite package sung by TM NEXT vocal group.
Just received our iJingles order from TM. This is the Ignite KROC package. According to Chris…
Century 21/TM Century jingle re-sings
This post is about Century 21/TM Century jingle re-sings. Let me know if you have re-sings…
My first extra-long US radio jingle montage (1960s-2010s)
My first extra-long US radio jingle montage is already on SoundCloud, and it has jingles from…
We’re For Fife
There was a station song made by TM Studios for Fife’s Kingdom FM called We’re For…
TM offers free Coronavirus cut..
Free and clear for broadcast stations to use. :60 with three different intro lyrics and a…
dug more stuff up from my archives
Since ‘Tis the season for sharing good tidings, digging through my archives lately, I came up…