I think we heard some of these as on-air examples when they first appeared?
They also “exhibit” one of the shortest yet most awkward words to “lyric” into a sung jingle!
The dreaded “and”!
Especially if each “half” of the station names is a effectively a concise “logo” in its own right.
“Joining them up” with a shout-ed “and” always seems jarring to my ears, but perhaps thats just me.
Some UK JMers might remember how a Scottish station (who did their own in-house custom packages) got around it by singing the “and” within the flow of the overall melody but then emphasising the result with a strong “Together!” at the end of the cuts.
Overall though, its a gutsy rock-y package that I’m sure will “work well” for stations with WFAN-style target audiences – the slightly older male “sports fan”.