WABC New York – dropping JAM?

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      Bit unfair to attribute that piece of audio to Global, for one their local stations are having their local names being scrubbed out- more like the GWR Group days…

      Robin wrote: As far as consultants go, when LBC was Australian owned they hired a “crack” team of consultants who wandered round the building asking who you were and what you did, and one morning one of them was overheard walking from the newsroom saying to another “well there's obviously too many people employed in there, they're just sitting around reading the papers”… I've never seen a good outcome from any company that employed consultants. Or trusted their “focus groups” – precisely the last people you want to ask what you should be doing!

      LBC managed to snare big-name journalists like Angela Rippon and Michael Parkinson, thanks to a particular Australian who was drafted in to rescue the disasterous rebrand to LBC Newstalk. What a shame it lost its licence a few months later!

      Back on topic: I don't see anything wrong with that TOH, apart from it being cobbled together from off the shelf sounds and having some sort of speed metal track. Oh I see…..

      But do sung jingles really fit on a talk station? I don't think so, even with JW's skill.


        R and R has only posted the sp 08 numbers.
        Dropping jingles STILL doesn't make much sense.


          I did ask Jon one time about any other TOP NEWS stations but he never got back to me.


            The clip is from Listen Against a spoof from Jon Holmes on Radio 4.
            Its a p*** take of Feedback.


              And he'd have every right to do so judging by his record on commercial radio.
              A nice fella as well.


                A quick comment…. or two….

                WABC has been shifting itself from being New York's talk radio station to the flagship station of Citidel's talk stations. The imaging that they are doing, including dropping the local jingles and production is a shift to a consistent product. I equate it to McDonald's having the same tasting Big Mac from coast to coast and world wide.

                Is this smart? Not really. But in reality, WABC's glory days of locally originating programming geared specifically for the New York market is gone… to be replaced by national shows. So, the removal of local origination items such as jingles and liners doesn't surprise me. However, I think this will blow up in their face and be reflected in their ratings. Plain vanilla just doesn't make sense in the largest radio market in the USA.

                Wake up and smell the coffee, Citidel.


                  Beautifully put, TC


                    Sounds like socialized radio.


                      In regard to the way things used to be in radio in this country, was there ever a golden era.

                      Was UK radio better run ? Was ther moore choice? I feel tempted to feel that certainly there was more orginality rather than standard playlists. Of course thats probably me, but thats what I have tended to see.


                        Did anybody listen last night's to oldies show to see if that's been ruined too?


                          I listened today to the WABC [SO-CALLED-TOH] and they used a JAM track going into the news but used some cheesy talk over track for toh.Take a listen and see what you think.
                          Oh well; what do we know?

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