The Society of Radiojingles and Themes in The Netherlands acquired the complete archives this week of Top Format Productions in Haarlem, Holland’s oldest jingle company. Starting in 1975 Top Format was partner of PAMS, Tanner, TM, JAM an Wise Buddah, they did resings in dozens of country’s, from Iceland to Russia, Indonesia, France and Germany. From 1994 on they specialised in making custom jingle packages themselves and they are still very succesful in doing so for stations in Western Europe. Top Format recently moved to new offices and The Society (known for their website got all their digital masters: 2250 master cd’s/dvd’s and over 1000 master dat tapes. Plus the paperwork, like all compositions on music paper. Twelve years ago Jingleweb already digitalised the analogue archive between 1975 and 2005, also thousands of tapes of jingle packages and resings. More about this and some photos too on It’s all Dutch, I’m afraid, just hit your Google translate button)