Spire FM – 10th Birthday CD

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      Spire FM is one of the UK's great local radio success stories.

      For its 10th Birthday, the legendary producer, Andrew White put together the following CD to be presented to staff at their birthday celebrations.

      Using techniques that most radio producers would be envious of, Andrew produced this CD, re-mixing only music that was used on Spire (jingles and themes etc from AJ, Alfasound and Bespoke Music). This is an amazing piece of production, which as an ex-Spire presenter and producer makes me proud of the station, what local radio was and what it achieved.

      Spire was a great talent producing hub in the middle of South Wiltshire. When the CD was presented to staff at the birthday celebration, it was provided in mono. Where did the talent go?

      Enjoy the CD, in STEREO, by clicking here




        The web talent was always pretty shoddy. Try http://www.prometheusradio.com/stations/SPIRE10YRSmix.mp3



          Prometheus wrote:
          Spire was a great talent producing hub in the middle of South Wiltshire. When the CD was presented to staff at the birthday celebration, it was provided in mono. Where did the talent go?

          The station got taken over and started outputting the “Music, Fun, Life” guff ! :)

          I have nothing against TLRC, but to replace the nice sung Bespoke jingles made Spire sound so dull and lifeless !


            The fact Spire went from 56% reach when I was there to 40% reach now was a small indication “Music, Fun, Life” wasn't the right angle. Hence the return to “The Spirit of Salisbury”. But rebuilding lost audience is 10 times harder than keeping them loyal.


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