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April 12, 2008 at 5:50 am #58228
MemberBlimey, these take me back – weren't they on the EAP “World of Radio Jingles” LP – must have been about 1978. David, if I'm right, that shows that not only are you a jingle slut today, but you were turning into a jingle slapper at an unnaturally early age. Sadly, so was I.
I'm with you on the content of your post, by the way. I realise that most music stations aren't aimed at my age group (I'm 45) and therefore much of their imaging doesn't directly appeal either – but I do enjoy hearing how different jingles for different markets differ.
Who'd have thought 6-second songs could be so endlessly fascinating?!
April 12, 2008 at 7:16 am #58230coolnt
we love the Signal 1 jingles because Em Macintosh sings the vocals in there!
April 12, 2008 at 8:33 am #58231Gazza
Music, like a piece of art, can never be defenitively right or wrong. I'ts a very personal thing as to whether you like it or not.
Now, having time to listen to the demo myself, I can see how they will fit into the current style of the UTV stations music policy and can't see how they are much different from what's currently being used.
Im not sure I'd jump in straight at the deep end with Len, but I must say they're not my cup of tea and, as I'm a 5live person anyway, I won't be listening to them on my not so local UTV station Commercial Radio Bradford.As Iain says, JM is here not only as a place to share audio, but as a place for sensible discussion as, without it, we'd end up loosing yet another great radio website ala ukonair.
April 12, 2008 at 3:54 pm #58237LenGroat
Iain, your compilation really showed the other side of this… And demonstrated how different and varied the 'old' jingles were. The wonderful mix of instrumentation on the WKZQ cut ~ the sonovox cut ~ the Stereo Island cut is just beautiful ~ the all male vocal group sound on 'FM94' and 'WGH'The imaginative track on the 'Radio 1, Radio 1' PAMS cut showed how you CAN just repeat a station name BUT make it interesting and memorable.
… Jackie Dickson on lead on the KQV cut…
and the glorious 'San Francisco' vocal end on the series 22…
April 12, 2008 at 9:06 pm #58249IainJohnston
MemberYou're welcome Len!
I've got another project “Bubbling Under” at the moment that might perhaps head along a similar direction…
“Senior” (i.e. “as old as me!”) JM Members such as Bossjock, Barry (“BDA”???), and even Martin Lester
might just experience a “deja-vu” sensation if this putative idea goes ahead… ;^)April 21, 2008 at 7:41 pm #58573JingleMad
MemberRadio Today has a news feature with Wire fms logo… but why .. If you go to Iqbeats and click on UTV … signal radio comes up and it has a list of the other stations in the group with a resing of the package .. if say you click on Wire fm in the Iqbeats listen area .. Wire fm name comes up but plays the signal jingles… the same for all the utv packages..so what was the point of the news item and why highlight Wire fm
The new sound of UTVNews story ………….
Monday 21 April 2008: UTV Radio has launched its new on-air imaging on 12 of their stations throughout the UK and the soon to be launched Central Radio.The imaging has been created by Seattle-based production company IQ Beats and is designed to complement the varied range of music found on the UTV Radio network of stations.
April 21, 2008 at 10:10 pm #58581roymartin
Barry – I'm confused why the use of a UTV station logo being used in relation to a story about UTV Radio stations is such an issue for you?
Congratulations to Len Groat who has today had an entire set of IQ Beats Re-sings dedicated to him.
Click http://www.iqbeatsblog.com/index.php/2008/04/21/utv-the-re-sings/ and read the last line: “And to Len Groat… We are dedicating the entire package to you buddy!”
April 22, 2008 at 5:59 am #58588JingleMad
Memberwell I have now found a sample of the utv station resings … most work very well for the stations others fail fitting in the station name………. but a question.. Why no package for signal 2 .. is it on the way out.. is it going to be lost like signal cheshire and signal stafford … could it be for sale.. could they rebrand it as utv digital for dab use
April 22, 2008 at 12:41 pm #58595IainJohnston
Member“And to Len Groat… We are dedicating the entire package to you buddy!”
Think there's any chance they might offer Len a FREE re-sing of his choice from the package then?!?!
Bit cheeky of IQ though – but I'm sure Len being the true professional that he is will take it all in good part!
PS – the “Len Groat” link on the IQ blog page goes straight to ……. JAM!
April 22, 2008 at 3:11 pm #58598SeanMartin
I think it shows the IQ Beats team have a sense of humour.
Scroll over the Len Groat hyperlink and it reads “the O N L Y place for jingles!”.
Read into that what you will.
April 22, 2008 at 4:00 pm #58599mb
MemberSeanMartin wrote:
I think it shows the IQ Beats team have a sense of humour.Scroll over the Len Groat hyperlink and it reads “the O N L Y place for jingles!”.
Read into that what you will.
Very funny
April 22, 2008 at 4:25 pm #58600JingleMad
MemberI would say they want you to work for them Len…
The strap line for the could soon be company
“If you want great jingle Groat to IQ beats”
April 23, 2008 at 9:41 pm #58623LenGroat
How thoughtful of IQ to link my name to jingles.com
There, any budding young programme controller who wants to be different and take a chance, will find the package they SHOULD buy right now:
April 23, 2008 at 9:52 pm #58624JingleMad
MemberLen .. what would make Iq Beats jingles sound better ( I dont mean copy your old pams jingles)
is it the voices, the beds ,the words ,the straplines..what have todays jingles lost that you cant find in the new signal and utv resing jingles
April 28, 2008 at 4:28 pm #58785LenGroat
Question: what would make Iq Beats jingles sound better
Good question
To start with a complete re-think by the programmers about the 'attention span' of their listeners. If they think they need to sing the station name TWICE in every cut to get it across (Signal Wun) they must have a low opinion of their intelligence?
Next if they analyse their music they will find about 70% of the tracks would not blend with the drum machine rhythm and the UP end note
Over 50% of their music will have male vocals but the package is dominated by this screechy, poorly multi-tracked pseudo Tina Charles type voice (who?!)
On the IQ website someone has stated that these will work well with 80s music but I progammed music and jingles for every year of the 80s and this sound did not come in until the late 80s.
Being positive, the package could do with some cuts for use away from out of breaks the are 'fun '. The demo says it has 'fun' elements but all they do on that cut is sing about the weekend!
I have no idea how many 'programme controllers' the group has but I wonder how vocal they are allowed to be, how much 'control' they have over the construction and sound of the package? If they do not feel happy with it how do they 'sell' it to their staff?
Positive idea: they are a big group, allow each station FIVE cuts of their own design and creation.
All this might make it sound 'better' but I do not think with the lack of instrumental variety of the 'writer(s)' or the use of the favoured female vocalist they would be able to make anything that was truly ORIGINAL.
May 13, 2008 at 9:55 pm #59337MartinS
I didn't comment a few weeks ago, although read the above discussion with interest.
Non of these stations really mean that much to me (although The Pulse once did) so I find it hard to get too excited when they get new jingles/imaging.
Didn't go out of my way to listen, however over the last couple of weeks I've caught the new jingles on air at both The Pulse and Wish FM – being used very well. I honestly think they sound quite good on air and certainly give this group of stations a desperately needed fresher and more distinct sound.
May 13, 2008 at 10:44 pm #59340JingleMad
MemberI think you could make those beds and add the high female voice style singing in a bedroom studio .. using basic equipment.. the end product is not like listening to a Key 103 jam package 10 plus years ago.. it just sounds cheap and average.. Utv parted with good cash for a below par product .. from someone who gave them the wrong image of the on air sound of the station
I dont think station pc's have too much sway.. its a group management product .. so they have to use it
May 15, 2008 at 9:14 pm #59366JingleMad
Membergood point barry….Im now BDA on the forum.. the database said It didnt know me when I asked for my password via email
May 16, 2008 at 6:50 am #59370MartinS
Barry – the wrong image? Perhaps it may not be a perfect fit for all of the stations, however wouldn't go so far as to say it's the 'wrong image' for the on air sound. The group will have had a great deal of input into how they wanted it to sound and no doubt been provided with samplers as it was in development.
I wouldn't expecet these stations to sound like Key 103 did 10 plus years ago. Most of the stations are much smaller (given Imagine FM, Tower FM, Wish FM and Wire FM are within the Key 103 area anyway) yet they still need a contemporary image. It would probably be the easy, yet far more expensive option for them to try and sound like Key 103 did 10 plus years ago in order to try and poach listeners who grew up with Key 103.
I'm prepared to give it a chance and think it will sound good if they use it to the full.
May 16, 2008 at 5:44 pm #59376JingleMad
MemberBut if you read the thread the station package is not getting the thumbs up from people who know about jingles.A jingle is a tool that helps plant a seed ,the station name in the listeners head, plus its used to get from a feature or spot with an easy mix ,so the listener is not looking across the dial to find another station
Re; selling the station name.. when did signal 1 … become “signal 1-signal 1”
And the singing is so high pitched it sounds more like a dance track when the station plays classic hits.Jingle companies are going to sell the “new 2008 jingle style” but the jingles dont have the same impact and feel of classic jam or Tm jingle packages.. maybe because its a single voice with little deep rich vocalsMay 16, 2008 at 7:59 pm #59378rsimpkins
My personal oppinion, as echoed by many before me, is that there isn't necessarily such a thing as a bad jingle package, just a bad choice for the station and a poor understanding of how a jingle “works”. The Signal 1 jingles, with some thought and imagination could have good lyrics and a solid logo, but they don't because that's what the group asked for / got. Jingle companies don't make jingles “despite” what the client asked for, they make them “according” to what the client asked for. I can envisage these jingles working well in some formats, but possibly not in the format they were bought for and not with the complete lack of any inspiration with the lyrics. They certainly don't work with the music in the demo.
As for making jingles in a bedroom studio, you set me thinking – I got my recorder and triangle out, a couple of milk bottles for percussion and a cardboard box as a kick-drum… I'll be the next big thing – just see if I'm not!
May 16, 2008 at 8:17 pm #59379JingleMad
MemberI know a chap who makes jingles in his bedroom for bbc and others.He has made some money out of it .. he has a keyboard and picks up software/patches and he can sound like a full usa jingle band.. jingle singing well thats not a hard to copy the UTV signal voice .. single voice in a high octive.. its just like making a dance mix
May 16, 2008 at 9:24 pm #59383rsimpkins
yes, it's true that with music technology these days you can recreate a full orchestra on your computer in your bedroom, but you could also own a symphony orchestra and have access to the worlds best session musicians and vocalists and not make good jingles…
I was, of course, kidding about making jingles with my recorder. I have a flute. But it's the creativity behind it.
People's idea of what's good is a fashion, as much as clothing is. I'm still waiting for my 1980's flowery shirts to come back as I have about 20 of them in the wardrobe.
The jingles that some of the new companies are making fit in with the style of much of the new music coming out today, but IMHO are not a patch on the (sadly somewhat behind the times) JAM jingles.
But I wonder out of all the companies out there which ones will still be here in another 30 years….
May 16, 2008 at 11:26 pm #59386JingleMad
MemberI dont think many of the new jingles have creativity , when you look at the 60s ,70.80.90 jingle packages you can find a new idea, a new feel,each cut was a masterpiece. maybe the new breed of writers are dont have the love for making a quality product.. and they just want the instant turn around of money in bank.. I cant think of a new jingle package that “jingle buffs” will want to have because it its a musical masterpiece
May 17, 2008 at 7:58 am #59388radio_bloke
MemberThe word Quality is not about “how good your orchestration is” its more a case of “is it fit for purpose”. In any business, if your product or service does not satisfy your customers, they will not pay you. If the new jingle producers are making money then, as a business they are doing the right thing. I'm not a fan of the current trend for crashbangwalup…single screeeeching voice, but I think its down to the program controllers or the bean counters
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