S2Blue goes back to Alfasound…

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      Well, to Alfasound’s ‘spiritual home’ at St. Martin’s Studios…. oh the memories


        Awwwww! nice one! :)
        “Heritage” DOES matter!


          Excellent news. At the start of this year I was in Ashton and ended up driving past the old school. It was the first time I’d seen it in person and it made me think of all the amazing productions that were recorded behind those doors. Great to know that there’ll be jingles created there again!


            That’s funny. I was just going through some very old paper stuff and discovered Alfasound newsletters from the 80’s. I’ll scan it to send along for the heritage page of their website.
            Cool move.


              Hang on, does this mean we potentially have a “mole” on the “inside”…. B-)

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