Radio 1 Memories

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      Radio 1 start up from 1985 in stereo (kindly shared by a user a few years ago on the “old” JingleMad).

      BBC RADIO 1 – 1985 START UP – STEREO – JAM CREATIVE PRODUCTIONS by gameswizard2014



        My brand of cassette back then, along with Sony and BASF.

        I remember Mr Wright using the start of the track at 3’05” with an Alexis Korner voice-over as a short ID “Steve Wright in the Afternoon” – never knew it was from the JAM stable.

        I seem to remember David “Kid” Jensen did a “Steve Wright in the afternoon” voice-over on a 10 second edit of that track?


          Here’s the Alexis corner version from August bank holiday 1982

          Steve Wright Alexis corner jingle by iandarnold


            And here’s another Alexis Corner liner taken from the same 1982 show

            Steve Wright Alexis corner jingle (1) by iandarnold


              And another example of just the line being used

              Steve Wright Alexis corner jingle (2) by iandarnold


                Does anyone have any knowledge of this sung jingle? Once again recorded here on Bank holiday Monday, 1982

                Unknown by iandarnold


                  I also just found this while looking for the David Jensen liner

                  Steve Wright sung jingle by iandarnold


                    At last, I’ve found the David Jensen version. This was recorded on 28/12/1982. The David Jensen part is after the trailer.

                    Steve Wright David Jensen jingle by iandarnold


                      At last, I’ve found the David Jensen version. This was recorded on 28/12/1982. The David Jensen part is after the trailer.

                      Great. The version I have of that was the edited down version – lurking somewhere on a cassette.

                      You also posted a (semi instrumental) jingle I was thinking of this afternoon aswell “(The best music) Steve Wright, Radio 1” in your 7.47 post.

                      I never got a recording of that ever.

                      Thanks for those audio snippets.


                        I’ve got a copy somewhere but does anyone remember an instrumental track that Steve Wright used to play (late 80’s from memory)- it was a heavy metal themed version of the KZZP/”Britain’s favourite Radio 1″ logo, about 10 seconds in duration


                          When I was a kid (going back to around 1979-80, I think) I remember being up extra early one Sunday morning and wondering how Radio 1 started up

                          I did a similar thing. It was on a Sunday between 1980-82. I cant remember if the start up was 5 or 10 minutes long. I’m leaning more towards the 10 minutes.

                          It started with a cheery “Sunday” acapella, followed by a synth type “fanfare” (around 5~7 seconds in length), then the jingle “Radio 1 is fun, it’s the station that’s alive, we’re on 275 & 285…”. After the start up had finished, there were the pips at 8am, Tony Blackburn launched (Junior Choice ?) with the same “Radio 1 is fun…” jingle.

                          He used the part of the jingle (no vocals) as a bed to inform us of what the programming was for Radio 1 on Sunday. After squeezing it all in, the jingle ended “…It’s fun, it’s 1…etc…the happy sound of National Radio 1”.

                          Someone, somewhere will have a recording of a 1980/81 start up. I had one many years ago on a cheap “Alpha” branded cassette, but those Alpha’s are long gone.

                          Jim Donahue

                            I seem to remember it being the ‘Radio 1 is Fun’ jingle, the ‘You’ve Got A Friend, The Happy Sound Of Radio 1’ with the long bed and occasional vocals and the ‘Radio One-derful Country’ cut. You’ve also jogged my memory about the announcement of the day’s programming over the ‘Radio 1 is Fun’ bed.


                              Although I have my own off-air copy which I recorded back in 1981, for convenience here is a link to the start up sequence uploaded by a fellow collector…


                                Although I have my own off-air copy which I recorded back in 1981, for convenience here is a link to the start up sequence uploaded by a fellow collector…


                                Apart from leaning towards 10 minutes, I wasn’t far wrong.
                                Thanks for the audio link :)


                                  As we are all discussing the subject of the start up sequence, here is the same discussion from February 2004.



                                    Here’s an aircheck of Tommy Vance doing the Top 40 from nearly 23 years ago ! Enjoy.

                                    R1 Top 40 Aircheck With Tommy Vance 16th February 1991 by blandy75


                                      Here’s an aircheck of Tommy Vance doing the Top 40 from nearly 23 years ago ! Enjoy.

                                      Thanks for posting that Tommy Vance Top 40 – really nicely airchecked, with a chance to get a feel for the music of the era without the songs being over-edited. I’d forgotten he’d kept on doing the Top 40 after GLR started.

                                      Jim Donahue

                                        Nice post. I’d forgotten that T.V. came back after his initial 1982-84 Top 40 slot.
                                        What year/package were the individual “number” jingles from? I’ve never heard them anywhere other than airchecks & broadcasts.


                                          Tommy also stood in for Bruno Brookes on 10 August 1986 and 18 & 25 January 1987, in addition to his 1991/92 appearances. I have a recording of most of the 18/1/87 (there were 14 new entries that week) but I am looking for audio from the other two shows, if anyone can help please message me.


                                            Radio 1 moved from sung numbers to spoken numbers for the Top 40 from 4 October 1987. The spoken versions used in February 1991 were first used around September or October 1988.


                                              Indeed, GRAFTOI, they were changed on 2 October 1988,.


                                                Here’s an aircheck of Tommy Vance doing the Top 40 from nearly 23 years ago ! Enjoy.

                                                My favourite Top 40 theme

                                                Jim Donahue

                                                  Was the bed separate from the spoken number cuts?


                                                    I suspect they were on two seperate carts- take a listen to Radio 1 – Bruno Brookes (UK Top 40) Oct 4th 1987 (3’56) on… about 1’20 in. In the clip uploaded by blandyness, John Wells was the VO counting down the numbers, does anyone know who the original guy was in 87- as heard in that same clip on


                                                      Some more memories

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