I realize this is a Jingle web-site , but NO Disc Jockey did more to inform listeners about those catchy little songs between the records (jingles), than “Big” Dan Ingram. Dan passed away Sunday evening at his home in Florida. R-I-P Dan & “bye Now, Kemosabe”!….(
Had to have had one of the most irritating jock jingles ever. BUT IT WORKED!! Cousin Bruce Morrow is now the only one of the WABC power jocks left still doing his stick on Sirius XM Sixties on Six. East coast listeners loved them all.
I absolutely loved that jock jingle – the high all-male vocals. Fabulous. And you’re right – it worked a treat.
Great Jingle! PAMS Series #31 with Marv Shaw in the lead!..
as a side note; when laura ingraham did the late morning slot at wabc a few years ago, they had the ‘dan ingram’ cut redone as ‘laura ingram’……note for note. sounded good and had to trigger all those new york city memories.
im sure someone has a copy of that cut in their stash. not me.