Personal cuts from Radio Scape

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      The guys at Radio Scape Music have just been in touch with me and have announced the launch of a personal cuts scheme – just like many other companies they're offering cuts for $225.00 for non-broadcast useage. You can pick any cut from any of their packages that are on the site,

      They've also asked me to 'let all the collectors know that we appreciate all the nice comments said about our work'. Let the lyricing begin!!


        Great News from Johnny Hopper and Radio Scape

        I wonder who will be the 1st to get one done !


          Fantastic news! Cheers for letting us know Paul. I'm very tempted, I'd definitely like to get cut 2 of the “My Name Is Bob” package re-sung. I can't see any details about this on the website yet, I wonder what the order processes is? and whether it's CD or download only delivery. Anyone else tempted, or got a favourite cut?


            I assume it will be download delivery and if you're interested in a cut email There may or may not be info on the site… it's exclusive to JingleNews for now.


              Thanks Paul for the information; this is fantastic news and a great price at $225.

              Like RjM, I'm very tempted about getting a Radioscape cut done too; I particularly love Johnny Hooper's “New Light” and “Family Friendly Radio” packages so will probally opt for a re-sing of a cut from one of those packages as and when. It's my birthday in May so there's an excuse! Hope they will still be offering the service by then.

              When you start buying cuts you just can't stop!


                m_hodgey wrote:

                When you start buying cuts you just can't stop!

                . . . . at least I'm not alone!!

                How spoilt we are for choice! Not so long ago it was impossible to get any of the jingle majors to sing one-off's for us lot (not to mention at a discount).



                  Martin Lester wrote:
                  I wonder who will be the 1st to get one done !

                  It turned out that Paul was the first to get one done with his re-sing of the TOTH cut from “My Name Is Bob” for the JingleNews Monthly programme. Fantastic cut Paul!

                  To further this thread, I post with great delight following delivery of my new RadioScape cut today. Check it out here:

                  Great service and communication throughout from the guys at RadioScape; fantastic work guys!!

                  Hope you all enjoy the cut and please let me know what you think.


                    Like I said last week, great choice of cut Mark. I love the two-punch!

                    I'll upload my cut over the weekend to the website. As I said earlier on today in another thread, RadioScape were great to work with. I ordered my cut on a Thursday afternoon, payment was sent the next day and the cut was sung the following Monday with it being mixed out on Wednesday and I received the CD the following week. From ordering to getting the finished product it all took just under 2 weeks.

                    Unlike other companies who might have you waiting a month or two for a cut, they treat you just like a normal client and get your cut to you as quick as they can. I was really happy with the cut and customer service, and will definately go back to them soon (considering how good the exchange rate is now!!)

                    Cuts for non-broadcast are €237 including shipping.

                    Good Time Oldie

                      Loved the new Radioscape Personal Cuts Mark and Paul, great choice guys.

                      Did you receive all the usual mixouts including a full length Aca?

                      Could you choose solo or group vocals?

                      Seriously thinking of buying one, especially as the turnaround seems so quick.

                      Do tell

                      The Gobby 1

                      P.S At around £118 including shipping on CD, it's the same as you would pay for a Steve England cut


                        Wow, Mark – great choice of cut. Great vocals and track. G


                          Even though I remain the eternal JAM fan, I`ve always admired the work of Johnny Hooper and love your personalised Radio Scape cut Mark – great stuff !

                          BTW your webpage of “Mark`s jingles” is tops too, looks and sounds superb.


                          David Barras


                            Great stuff Mark – and aren't those RadioScape vocals so bright and positive!

                            I can see an order going through soon to Johnny H….because with the dollar being as it is,it looks like there's gonna be a deluge of orders going stateside!


                              Both Mark and Paul, great jingles you've got from RadioScape, both sound as good as the demo cuts. Sounds like they were great to work with too. Good to hear you get a CD copy. How much longer can I resist!

                              thegobby1 wrote:
                              P.S At around £118 including shipping on CD, it's the same as you would pay for a Steve England cut

                              Did anyone take up the £100 offer on “Connnected” re-sings from Steve England? There are some nice tracks on that CD such as the Magic “Killerhertz” and 2BR “Kickin' Team” package. I wonder if you could have those tracks sung with Dallas vocals?


                                thegobby1 wrote:
                                Did you receive all the usual mixouts including a full length Aca?

                                Yes. With my two-part “New Light” TOTH cut I got five mix-outs in total. I got a 60″ bed with sung intro, the bed intro “Mark Hodgkinson” acappella, a full mix tag, a ramp tag without the “handsome and sexy” sing and the tag full acappella. You get everything through on CD with an accompanying log sheet. Truely great service and I'm really pleased with the end product.

                                thegobby1 wrote:
                                Could you choose solo or group vocals?

                                The vocal sound you get is as per the original on the demo; a group vocal in my case.

                                I hope that answers your questions. I'm pleased that everyone in jingle land liked my new cut and I can thoroughly recommend working with the guys at RadioScape; everything from initial contact to CD delivery went like clockwork. It was also great to be in email contact with jingle legend Johnny Hooper himself! Can't wait to hear some more RadioScape personal cuts!


                                  To further this thread once again, I just thought I’d let you all know that I have just taken delivery of my second “New Light” cut from Johnny Hooper and the team at RadioScape.

                                  When I first heard Nicky Schiller's version of “New Light” cut #9 in June 2007, I always knew that I would eventually have the cut sung for myself, partly because of the fantastic Annagrey LaBasse on vocals. Two and a half years later it was time!

                                  Check out my new here and please let me know what you think:

                                  I took delivery of the jingle via server download last night. Following this, I requested an additional mixout from Johnny and had it within 30 minutes; now that’s service! It has been absolute pleasure dealing direct with Johnny Hooper himself and I cannot recommend the RadioScape product enough.

                                  Good Time Oldie

                                    Nice one Mark!, you certainly have a knack of picking great cuts (wasn't there any room on the jingle for “Doncaster” this time around then? lol).

                                    Have to agree with you about Mr Hooper, communicated with him a few times and always found him to be dead friendly and approachable. Also, you're right about Annagrey too, I have her as the main solo voice on a couple of my jingles, great set of pipes (and not bad looking too!).

                                    Now I know it's rude to ask a bird her age, but what about asking a Donny lad about the price of this wonderful cut??.

                                    Great jingle Mark and thanks for sharing it.

                                    The Gobby1


                                      This is good news (I presume this extends to the Marshall Such stuff as well).

                                      It'll be a while before I target something off “San Antonios Hit Factory” or “Right Now”.But good to know.


                                        thegobby1 wrote: Nice one Mark!, you certainly have a knack of picking great cuts (wasn't there any room on the jingle for “Doncaster” this time around then? lol).

                                        The first lyrics I penned for the front part of the cut were “Doncaster’s Favourite”. However, by the time I had made contact with Johnny Hooper, I had changed my mind and went with the sing “You’re with Hodgey” lyrics; purely because both parts of the jingle would relate straight to me and could be used as stand-alones. The accapella “You’re with Hodgey” is great!!

                                        thegobby1 wrote: ………… you're right about Annagrey too, I have her as the main solo voice on a couple of my jingles, great set of pipes (and not bad looking too!).

                                        Forgive me if I have missed your cuts, but is there any chance of sharing them on JingleMad?

                                        thegobby1 wrote: Now I know it's rude to ask a bird her age, but what about asking a Donny lad about the price of this wonderful cut??.

                                        The cut cost me the same as before; well at least in terms of dollars – $225.00 + $6.75 Paypal fee. Delivery was free via ftp.

                                        freq-ky wrote: This is good news (I presume this extends to the Marshall Such stuff as well).

                                        Sure does Aston; although on this occasion, communication has been with Johnny Hooper from the onset. I contacted Marshall in the first instance, but was instructed to deal with Jonny direct, which was the case until delivery.

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