Does anyone have a demo for this series? If this is the one I remember, WIFE Indianapolis used a few cuts back in 1975. The main jingle went something like…”Music People….W-I-F-E”.
Back then, WIFE used jingles from three different companies at the same time!
1. PAMS WLS Custom ’74 (their main package including their top of the hour ID…’Music Radio…W-I-F-E…Indianapolis!’
2. TM Shotgun (with their “Right on WIFE!” jingle – used for an infamous ‘Dream Home’ giveaway- infamous in that the winners had to sell the house since they couldn’t afford the taxes!)
3. The “Music People” cuts mentioned above.
Once I am not so “technically challenged”, I will post a few of these WIFE jingles from some airchecks I have. Mid 70’s WIFE jingles and airchecks are pretty rare. KenR sold me the 1976 PAMS 46 series, but that is about it.
Of course, if anyone has any WIFE jingles, especially the WLS resings, that would be almost too good to be true.
WIFE was an Indy top 40 powerhouse during the 60’s and early 70’s….the “WLS of Indianapolis”.