Palm 105 jingles

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  • #4037

      I do like the new jingles,I didnt think that stations would go for this style , It sounds like a station you would listen to on holiday ..but it works well.

      My only fault …and it could be my old ears …the station name is hard to hear but is better on some Cjs breakfast cuts. (may just be me )

      I like the package because its not the same other station jingles


        I know CJ sometimes looks at this board, which jingle group has supplied the new cuts for palm. I recognise them from somewhere but can't find the company. Totally different to the Dave Langer package, lots of sweepers and liners not much singing. The music beds I know from somewhere though. If anyone can help I would be happy to get it off my mind.



          They're from IQBeats – demo of the new imaging available at


            Thanks Paul, it has been bugging me so much I've sat here looking at every jingle compay site, I found it on IQ beats, re-sings of the Time 106.6. All ties in with the launch of 'All Time Favourites' as their slogan.

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