New Wise Bddah Bauer Hits Radio Jingles!

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      Demo for the new Bauer station Hits Radio Jingles! What do you think of them?


        Irritating, annoying, repetitive and perfect for their playlist !

        I will not be listening.


          Don’t hold back Graham – I’m not a fan of the Bauer stations imaging – audio or visual. BUT WiseBuddah have made some great stuff for Radio 2, GEM, Free, Beacon, Mix 96, Pirate etc so i put the output down to the brief and client. But not really my cup of tea either.


            I refer to my comments in my earlier “new UK customs” thread!

            PS – what is a “throw-back”?
            I presume that it refers to what was once a “golden classic” or “oldie” but in a “millenial” listener context?
            Or another overplayed “re-current” no doubt?


              Yes Mike I wasn’t having a go at Wise Buddah at all. I should have said ‘technically brilliant’ but I just found it a hard listen, based on PK’s question.


                “I presume that it refers to what was once a “golden classic” or “oldie” but in a “millenial” listener context? “

                Pretty much. Usually refers to songs from the 1990s and 2000s, sometimes the ’80s.

                I actually quite like these, and I’m not usually a fan of this jingle/sweeper hybrid style. These feel a bit more musical and, dare I say, human than other stuff I’ve heard.


                  More imagination required from Bauer reps. Might have heard a couple of cuts from the Q Radio package and thought “Base it around those two cuts only”. Shame really.


                    Apparently someone has leaked that Hits Radio is being rolled out nationally across England and Scotland with Heritage names disappearing!


                      Apparently someone has leaked that Hits Radio is being rolled out nationally across England and Scotland with Heritage names disappearing!

                      It was here – but someone must have had a special Bauer Bollocking, as these references have been removed. I think Radiotoday screengrabbed the offending paragraphs.


                        There’s been plenty of debate on the DigitalSpy/radio forum (scary place sometimes…!) about
                        the Hits Radio likely roll-out (and other consolidation destruction of UK “local radio).

                        I’d have to say that if Bauer try to “anglicise” or near-totally network the bigger Scottish stations
                        such as Clyde or Forth they’ll have a problem on their hands.

                        By at least using a few “technical tricks” as they do at present they still sound like they actually
                        ARE Scottish stations still as they indeed are, even if networked across Scotland, but they should
                        remember what happened when certain others tried to “pipe” in English programmes.
                        A “friendly and polished” DJ e.g. of the Len Groat style was OK in England in the days of
                        traditional ILR just about anywhere “down South”, but a Manchunian or bland London-centric
                        waffling about things in their own patch stands out like a proverbial sore thumb here.

                        As for Bauer station jingles here – they just stick the spoken station name on to the chopped-up
                        jingle/sweepers and don’t bother singing them.


                          Networking works both ways so every station should get a bit of everyone.

                          If that’s the only way they can make money then it’s another nail the in ILR coffin.


                            impressed. work well for a hot format.really like em.

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