New LBC 97.3 Package launches on Monday (Feb 4th)

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      Get ready people!! The new IQ Beats LBC imaging launches at 7am on Monday. It's been recorded by the Seattle Symphony Orchestra and if you're a VIP on the LBC website, you can hear a preview. There's a link from the homepage.


        Very Dynamic and I also see they have changed the Voice Over Guy (less FX) as well

        Be intresting to hear the full package next week


          Heard Steve Allen talking about it this morning. He is miffed as the new jingles start after the end of his Monday show LOL …


            This is great, as is the accompanying video. The link is no longer on the home page though, but I found it by searching for “Seattle”.


              There was a thread about this and Chris and I had an interesting mix of comments.

              I think they are very new era LBC dour, dull and over authoritative trying to be all important.
              Parts actually sounds like they threw the orchestra down the lift shaft.
              The Travel news bed is far too distracting and fast for the presenters to sound comfortable always sounds like they are trying to hurry to keep up with it.
              But the worst, the VERY worst, aspect is the smug, slimy, condescending Greg Marsden.
              Quite why he makes so many imaging producers swell in the trouser department eludes me as his voice is soooo irritating. He has to in-ter-nate-like-he's talking to a four year old in every voice over he does. Maybe it was time to move on from NJ and Co but to go back to a voice from a failed incarnation of LBC from ten years ago and a voice that is well past its time- no no no no.


              This was from 8 years ago and it could be on LBC tonight – has imaging moved nowhere in 8 years.
              Greg Marsden is a safe dull lazy choice of voice over. I detest his voice right back from the smug better music mix days. Why could they have not gone for something new and fresh. – but thats not the new LBC way is it?

              I think they are trying to sound very formal, official and newsy but I hear it and think oh dear – what a shame and wasted opportunity. But as I've said its in keeping with the new mgmt. Dull, safe, predictable, over self important.

              Unfortunately the station itself is changing with the same topics from early morning to late at night – It's not about presenters and personality anymore more a homogeneous output across 24 hours. Hence every show opening with the same music to match opening with the same topics.

              The same topic I hear at 7am is STILL being used to kick off the hour at 10pm at night. They will never compete with Radio 4 or win the battle for serious news listeners. LBC has tried this so many times. London News radio from Reuters, News direct under GWR / ITN. It works best as a news / chat station with a mix of news, conversation and light chat- more the mail / mirror than telegraph and times.

              It is sounding very dour both in terms of agenda and sound.

              The IQ Beats LBC themes that they’ve developed in the last few years were fresh and modern.
              Themes like Iain Lee’s were genius and suited the presenter and the station – it's a messy sound now with the logo buried away and a desperate urge to try and sound like it has authority.

              I'm really sorry but the imaging has gone downhill just like the presentation.


                I agree with MB totally.
                The new sound is dire….. You are so right about the Traffic jingle – too loud and distracting.
                Some of the new package sounds like you walking down Main Street in Disney's Magic Kingdom.
                As for the sound of DM – NO NO NO
                I'm already missing the TOH jingle as it was a superb sound and end to the hour.


                  Having never listened to LBC I can’t comment on how suitable this new package is for the station, or how sounds on air. But judging it as pieces of music alone I really like it, especially the top of hour and main theme cuts- really big, grand sounding. They remind me a little in parts of the BBC TV news themes of the ‘90s.

                  I seem to recall a similar argument (trying to be something they're not) arising in 2003 when Channel 5 news ditched their original bold music in favour of a more conservative set of orchestra based themes (which I also liked!).


                    But The new LBC style worked well for SKY News


                      SKY news has suffered dreadfully in the last year since is ill fated relaunch. Looking at the style that the new owners are going for it has historically NEVER delivered listeners to the station. Every owner ttalks about challenging radio 4 and doing serious news. The problem is the BBC do it better, they can't compete and you can't do quality on the cheap. I may very well be proved wrong but the format as far as I am conerned is wrong and a bad move from where the previous owners were taking the station.


                        Michael, perhaps the format simply isn't right for YOU anymore? If you're not keen on the new format, you may no longer be part of the target audience… times change, things move on.

                        As for your comments about Greg MarsTON (not Marsden), a great bloke who I've worked with on many occasions over the years, let's just hope he doesn't read your (as is often the case) below-the-belt, way too personal comments.

                        I work with people who have been slagged off on these forums before, and whilst they may sound confident and authorative on air, that's not always the case when they're off-mic, so let's have a little decorum please: bitchiness really does drag people down, no matter how professional a front they display.

                        You have many opinions on the new sound of LBC, but back none of them up with solid, strong arguments, comparing only with what's gone before.

                        As for the new package sounding messy, I can't for the life of me understand what you're talking about. It's so finely crafted and beautifully played with feeling by 60+ real people with real instruments. How can that degree of depth serve to make a package sound messy? I do get the impression that if it was labelled CNN, NBC or Sky News, the response may have been different: you seem to simply despise the idea of somebody playing with what you perceive to be your own personal radio station. I'm sure LBC has changed because it makes commercial sense to do so. Station management, after all, never make changes in order to upset their listeners.

                        Michael, I know you sometimes make positive comments about things on, but it's rare that you do. I really tire of this forum on occasion as so many folk are downbeat about everything. Sadly it seems to be turning into Digital Spy Mk II, which really is a waste of time and deserves to be served with the forum equivalent of an ASBO.

                        Whilst it's easy to sit here and pick apart imaging, voiceovers, presenters, station formats, managerial decisions, etc, there is a reason why those jingle companies, voice artists, broadcasters, programmers and MDs are appointed to their posts: because they know radio inside and out… sometimes, God forbid, more than you or I.

                        Sadly, my original, more well-thought-out response to your original post has been lost too. I was sort-of hoping that, were you to come back with a revised post, that you'd have reflected on the personal attacks you made in your original and toned them down. Sadly you've come back with all guns blazing again… this time, firing even more bile.

                        Very off-sides. The jinglemad community is largely made of nice people, and many of those nice people work in the industry we all try our best to celebrate. So please, can we stop the bullying?


                          Well I think given you’ve taken the time to write a long reply and a strong and robust response you deserve a full, frank and honest reply.
                          However let us establish some rules here. I am not going to enter into a long thread between you and me on this. It distorts the thread and distracts from the business of the forum however seeing as you have used some very strong words about my conduct I think I am entitled to a right of reply. There seems to be little point having a long debate as I know that you will never understand why people make such comments on forums and get upset and I believe that the internet for good or bad has allowed people to publish their comments and opinions on a whole range of subjects.

                          With regard to the comment that LBC might not be right for me anymore. You are possibly right, given my hours listening have decreased in the last three months I might agree, However from reading other forums it would seem that I am not unique in having this view and therefore whilst it is MY view, I am certainly not alone. Given that I’ve listened to LBC in various forms since 1986 there have been incarnations I have liked better than others and given that context I feel I am able to offer an opinion in terms of how I view the output. I’ve lived through the Fix it phone in, Robbie Vincent, Seven Days, London News Radio,AM, Dawn Traders, John & Jane ,Jeremy Dry, Sandi Tosvig, New Direct 97.3, Ian Lee, so I think as a long term listener I can share an opinion on their output and imaging.

                          As I have said TIME and TIME again but you still seem to be unable to grasp there are many forums on the internet discussing a wide variety of issues, music, film, TV. Radio is particularly odd as being the only one where people actually feel compelled to respond and often question how anyone dare object to a piece of work or presenter. Do you see the producer of Hollyoaks come onto a forum when someone criticises a storyline or Take That if on Digital Spy someone says they don’t like their latest single. However on Radio how dare anyone publicly criticise ANYTHING at all.

                          I am not in court, I’m giving MY own personal view of the sound and output of LBC. Which is neither right or wrong it just IS. You are totally entitled to your own opinion and I mine. There are some who think 180 degrees to me and if they love the new sound of LBC then good for them. I am glad they enjoy it. But If I want to say I think it sounds not very good or a bit crap then that’s what I think. This morning a presenter leaving said on air that she was not happy with the direction the station was taking – so it is clear than I am not a single voice against a tide of approval for LBC.

                          There are a variety of things I don’t like about the new package.
                          Chris Stevens wrote a very long response and I actually said that I can totally see where he was coming from. That Greg was a safe, familiar voice and the fact he was used previously should not prevent him being used again. All true and I can see that there is validity to that view and opinion. Of course if you work withsomeone you'll feel protective – however that does not mean that criticism or comment shouldn't be made. Maybe you are a little too close to LBC to be objective?

                          I disagree there are several things that I don’t like.
                          Firstly Greg’s voice – it’s a personal thing I don’t like his voice. When I hear it it sounds condescending, and he uses too much intonation and its like he’s talking to a 4 year old. I think he is over used and doesn’t give the station any “personality” as he’s been the voice of too many other stations.
                          I doubt that as a result of my comments his work is going to dry up or he’s going to sit at home in tears and concerned about my comments about his voice. He’s worked consistently for years doing voice overs and sure will for many more. He’ll just have to live with the fact that I don’t like his voice. There are others I don’t like and others I do. A voice is just a commodity that people buy and sell even online nowadays.

                          I would have preferred a fresh new voice that is only on LBC. I think the decision to use him is lazy going down a very safe route rather than finding something new and innovative. I’ve got lots of Greg sweepers from 2006 – maybe you’d like them back but in 10 years has LBC imaging not moved on at all?
                          Going into the news there is a big fanfare and then it seems to just fall away into a dull bed. There are several aspects of the package I don’t like the logo is odd and the travel bed too fast. Just MY opinions you may disagree. I also think it is too formal for the station. Clearly they are going for a very newsy formal sound. The package reflects this quite well, I’m not saying that the didn’t meet their brief well, however I’m not sure that that approach will deliver LBC a big audience. However time will tell. You might prove me wrong.

                          But I am 1 voice, others may love it and great for them. Let them come on here and say so. I will not shout them down or try and convince them to change their mind. We all have our own minds.

                          If it was labelled CNN, NBC or Sky News, the response may have been different.
                          Who knows, depends how they sound in context to my interaction with the product.
                          I can only talk about me feelings and opinions.
                          Reading Digital Spy Global have certainly upset a lot of listeners ( and staff / presenters ) . Lets hope that the new listeners they are aiming for start listening.

                          As for my personal contribution to Jinglemad. I feel I have to defend myself given the fury of your comments.
                          I think you’ll find most (over 80% ) of my comments are positive. Plus I upload audio for people. Following your comments a while ago about the nature of comments on this board I actually made a special effort to ensure that I always mentioned positive reaction to material as well as bad. I think I’ve been positive about most packages I’ve heard of late. Most of my criticism has been about members asking for stuff time and time again.

                          Whilst it's easy to sit here and pick apart imaging, voiceovers, presenters, station formats, managerial decisions, etc, there is a reason why those jingle companies, voice artists, broadcasters, programmers and MDs are appointed to their posts: because they know radio inside and out… sometimes, God forbid, more than you or I.

                          That does not mean however that I am not allowed to make comment on their work and output. Unfortunately it is an industry where people do comment on their work. In mine there are forums that slate my company and its product – I don’t read them, If I posted a similar response to the one you addressed to me I can’t imagine the response I’d get back.!!!

                          I have views about TV, Films, Music and yes radio just because I don’t work in them or make them does not mean that I or anyone else is not entitled to a view. I do have the right not to like Gregs voice of the LBC new jingle package.

                          I find the phrase “So please, can we stop the bullying?” really quite disturbing. You use words like this way way too often for my liking. And I will not let those sorts of accusations go unanswered.
                          By using such strong emotive and might I say quite unwarranted words as bullying you seek to create the impression that your view that it is somehow bullying validity.
                          I have said no more than other people have said on other forums, and not particularly strongly. I’ve not been rude used offensive words or personal insults. ( I think as Greg is a professional voice over I can say I think his voice is slimy. )

                          Discussing a new jingle package on a forum and saying why I don’t like it or the changes to the station (especially as background to those reading) on a forum dedicated to the discussion of station imaging is not bullying. I’m sorry I can’t tell you I love the package or the stations output. Six months ago I though the station sounded great – listened for hours now I don’t.
                          I’m happy to agree to disagree, unfortunately you seem to be unhappy that anyone dare dislike it and even more so offer those opinions in public. Go and read Digital Spy there are people who say far worse than me.

                          One thing that is lacking nowadays is passion and it’s good to see you feel passionately about the company you work for. I can understand a desire to defend friends and colleagues. I too have a passion for my hobby of listening to the radio and collecting jingles and just like fans of George Michael can like or dislike various tracks so I don’t see what wrong with negative comments sometimes.
                          And whilst I’d agree that just saying its crap full stop adds nothing, I think I gave sufficient reasoning behind my dislike of the imaging. It’s not a O level there is not a criteria laid out where you must discuss and contrast with examples and proof for each and every point. I’m afraid on forums the threshold is much lower. I think I gave sufficient justification for my views and comments and I’m sorry that you didn’t like it. That doesn’t mean I don’t think it or still believe it.

                          In the creative arts thick skins are required. Reviews, fanzines et all are not always kind. I tell people at work that advertising is crap if it is.
                          Nor should forums be outlets where people feel compelled just to say nice things and never dare be critical ( look what happened to Media UK – its down to about 4 posts a day full of polite back slapping ). This is not an Industry forum or closed shop for jingle producers – If you feel there is a need for this why not create one. Exclude people like myself and just talk with other people who work in the industry. I know that from time to time comments on here from myself or others upsets some people who work in the industry. But banning them will not make the go away, in today’s world they’ll end up on blogs or myspace or facebook discussions. I think you just have to appreciate that everyone will not always like everything you make. I was confronted about my comments by one jingle company senior executive in person and I explained why I gave the views but I also explained that I understood that there is the clients brief and a whole list of other things that affect what is made. I’m sorry if IQ beats feel affronted by my comments. But I have said often its not about companies its about individual products. They make some great stuff, they make some stuff I don’t like. But if their customer is happy with it what the hell does my opinion matter a jot. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to give it. People on here can either choose to read my posts or move on to other areas or threads.
                          I celebrate a lot of work – But I don’t agree that jingle collectors are not allowed to be negative about things they don’t like – especially in spaces dedicated to discussion and debate about them.
                          One of my best friends works in a very senior radio production position. I don’t like his station imaging but understand why it is how it is. However that doesn’t stop us having debates and exploring opinions.
                          If things on all these forums across the web cause you so much upset Maybe forums just aren’t for you?

                          Apologies to everyone for the long post.
                          I look forward to reading a diverse set of comments and opinions about what other people think about the imaging and station. Given that it is going though some major changes I’d expect that it evokes some strong opinions from both sides. I’ve had a telephone conversation with Richard Park where I told him exactly what I thought of one of his stations. He took it then and I’m sure that Global can take it now.

                          I stand by my post but invite others to agree or disagree as they see fit in the spirit of democracy and debate. I do not understand how you fell able to label my posting as bullying nor comprehend who you feel I was bullying. Firm, strong, opinionated yes. Anything else – sorry no. In the case of LBC The rAJARS will decide. The loss of my ears will not affect the direction, output, imaging or value of the station. And I'm sure that maybe for every me departing they'll be someone who enjoys the sort of output that they are now making.


                            How can you say this is not personal:

                            “But the worst, the VERY worst, aspect is the smug, slimy, condescending Greg Marsden.”

                            The words you used implied you were talking not of Greg's voice, but of Greg himself!

                            “He has to in-ter-nate-like-he's talking to a four year old in every voice over he does.”

                            Not particularly constructive eh?

                            Your previous post (which somehow ended up being deleted) saw you accusing the choice of voice as being 'lazy': indeed, you've done it again in this latest response. A passionate, creative person was involved in making that so-called 'lazy' choice and I know for a fact that it was not a lazy choice: check your facts!

                            I'm not being protective of my colleagues: I'm just trying to suggest a little more decency on

                            I'm all for democracy and free expression. However, the more constructive you are, rather than destructive, the more people will view you as an intelligent adult rather than incorrectly perceive you as a bitchy, back-biting misery, which I know you're not!

                            I don't want to read back-slapping forum posts; they often appear fake and frankly a little dull. On the other hand, I want to read good, well thought out debate; not just a total slagging off… the lack of such debate is why I never bother with Digital Spy anymore. The fact that sparks don't fly often enough on Media UK is why I don't log on there very often either. Middle ground often stimulates a better debate than either extreme, OTT viewpoints or stifled whimpers: it usually makes for a more considered argument.

                            This latest response from you was clearly much more considered, and this whole kerfuffle could've been avoided had you actually presented valid reasons for your views in the first place! (Sorry, bit patronising there but I think I'm allowed one shot after the classic “As I have said TIME and TIME again but you still seem to be unable to grasp…”).

                            I'm not going to criticise your other viewpoints, although I reserve the right to disagree! Your other views are fine; they're not attacking any one individual and you've (this time around) backed up your arguments with facts and/or valid feelings.

                            However, my comments about how you criticise individuals still stand: you CAN criticise whatever you like; I just believe you need to be selective in the words you use. Those in the industry know the benefits of doing this; those who've met their rivals on the way down have discovered the benefits of not doing this!

                            Just try and play a little nicer, eh?


                              Well, leaving the above aside…..

                              I'm an LBC listener and really like the new Jingle package. To me they sound more up-market with the more orchestrated sound, but have retained the contemporary feel.

                              They are quite catchy, but not in a bad way – I really liked the first IQ beats LBC package, but it actually irritated me when it was on air. Just too strong. Like a really rich pudding – no I really don't want any more.

                              My initial thought was that the top of the hour was very “US news network” style, which it shouldn't be for a London station, but it's grown on me.
                              The previous package's top of the hour was a fantastic cut, but always slightly failed for me at the end of the crecendo. It suddenly sounded a bit casio keyboard after a great ramp up. I guess someone else thought the same thing as the cut has been improved over the last few years, all versions are on the IQ beats web site.

                              I was alarmed when I reallised Greg Marsden was the new voice of LBC. No offence to Greg, but you'd think they would have found an original voice, not the one you've heard on a thousand stations before. Having said that, I'm getting used to him already, he does seem to fit in quite well.

                              The traffic news bed isn't too good, but the TOH and main themes all sound really good to me.

                              As far as the format of LBC in general goes, there is a definite shift towards news based magazine programming, but I prefer that so I'm not too sad. The likes of Iain lee are great in small doses, but I listened much more before this phase when they had some interesting real content to present. Hopefully that is about to happen again.

                              Those are my thoughts, I'm interested to hear others' views.


                                I think this is a very aspiration package from the LBC Management – It's where they aspire for the station to be and positioned. Powerful, Authoritative and newsy.
                                In that IQ have delivered some very nice package elements.

                                I like some of the beds and orchestration however there are some faults ( I believe ) with the concept, and implementation of the package that dulls some of the work that I am sure IQ put into it.

                                Firstly the new management Richard Park has a history in Music radio and to many speech radio equals news, A journalist is now PD and I think misinterprets that what people talk about is always the news. Because when you have journalists running stations they always lean towards news and “topics” of the day. It's the same in BBC Local radio. However people in my office and circle of friends talk about many things of which current affairs and news is only one part. I think the station is leaning far too much towards newstalk all day and it has never been a strategy that has worked on LBC. Now different times and different people but I still remain to be convinced that there is a big audience for what they want to create. Plus you’ve got the old faithfuls who even if they don’t fit the format they can’t really shift. Steve Allen, Clive Bull if they were removed there would be uproar from listeners.

                                My main faults include a top of the hour bed that builds up to the TOH and then has a very odd cut away to a dibbly dibbly news bed – Its a personal view but at the end of the big run up I'm expecting something different.

                                Two – Travel – as I've said its too fast the presenters sound hurried, on Capital or Kiss or Heart fine when people want to get back to the music and it needs to maintain momentum but on LBC travel news is part of and vital information programming why sound like you are trying to rush ii in and out ASAP as an interruption.

                                All presenters using the same bed to introduce their programmes, In principal it makes the station sound consistent however take Nick Abbott it sounds wrong it just doesn’t work and rather than making the programme flow jars with his style. Nor Steve Allen
                                If you look into the RAJARs you’ll see that James O’Brien is exactly the sort of news / magazine presentation they seem to favour – however in Mid mornings his figures are ok but not fantastic. His show is very much where I put the LBC style – so if it’s not doing fantastically then with a presenter that’s been in position for a good while it is going to be hard going to make a impact in the other slots.

                                I don’t miss Paul Ross cos he wasn’t my cup of tea- however the new show doesn’t either. It’s up against PM on Radio 4 and Cath and Eddie on BBC London. Its okay in small does but on a drive home as I do between 5.30 and 7.30 it’s very hard going.

                                As I have put above I just don’t like Greg’s voice and since I posted this I have had conversation with people who have said that it is hard to find a good v/o and there seems to be more sympathy for the choice of Greg that I would have thought. However it was very much a SAFE move and I do feel nothing personal to him but he’s been the voice of many stations for a long long time. LBC missed a real opportunity to add something new to the station.

                                I’m sure Dan will read this and appreciate that I have actually given a reason behind each of the above points.


                                  My main faults include a top of the hour bed that builds up to the TOH and then has a very odd cut away to a dibbly dibbly news bed – Its a personal view but at the end of the big run up I'm expecting something different.

                                  Interesting – I agree, but think the old TOH had pretty much the same problem! I still think the new TOH is pretty good though.

                                  Two – Travel – as I've said its too fast the presenters sound hurried, on Capital or Kiss or Heart fine when people want to get back to the music and it needs to maintain momentum but on LBC travel news is part of and vital information programming why sound like you are trying to rush ii in and out ASAP as an interruption.

                                  I think that I agree with you here, except that I think that you do want to maintain pace even on LBC, but yes it's currently too fast.

                                  All presenters using the same bed to introduce their programmes, In principal it makes the station sound consistent however take Nick Abbott it sounds wrong it just doesn’t work and rather than making the programme flow jars with his style. Nor Steve Allen

                                  I listened to a bit of Nick on Friday and actually thought it worked better than I thought it might.

                                  One thing I have noticed is that after previous new packages the whole station had a similar sound for a few months, then other beds are introduced to stop it getting boring. I think this is just the way the cycle seems to go.

                                  I don’t miss Paul Ross cos he wasn’t my cup of tea- however the new show doesn’t either. It’s up against PM on Radio 4 and Cath and Eddie on BBC London. Its okay in small does but on a drive home as I do between 5.30 and 7.30 it’s very hard going.

                                  I tend to channel hop between it and real or other music. I couldn't cope with Paul Ross though, just a bit too intense for me.

                                  As I have put above I just don’t like Greg’s voice and since I posted this I have had conversation with people who have said that it is hard to find a good v/o and there seems to be more sympathy for the choice of Greg that I would have thought. However it was very much a SAFE move and I do feel nothing personal to him but he’s been the voice of many stations for a long long time. LBC missed a real opportunity to add something new to the station.

                                  Agree with that. Nothing against Greg. For me the main problem is over exposure….


                                    danjamesuk wrote:
                                    Your previous post (which somehow ended up being deleted) saw you accusing the choice of voice as being 'lazy': indeed, you've done it again in this latest response. A passionate, creative person was involved in making that so-called 'lazy' choice and I know for a fact that it was not a lazy choice:

                                    If you listen to the Demo of this package there are lots of good elements in it, it is very sad most are not used it is the same half dozen parts used over and over again, along with Greg’s voice repeating LBC 97.3 at least three times (before and after EVERY break)

                                    As this has been on for nearly a Year now I find his voice getting to sound a bit worn out , previously you had nigel williams along with a Girl voice which at least gave some variety

                                    You say that this decision was not made lightly to use his voice,

                                    I would love to know what other voices were considered
                                    by Chris Lowrie before this decision was made,
                                    as from what I have heard on phone inn’s even when 9 out of 10 listeners disagree with him he is ALWAYS Right

                                    As this extract of when he last interfered with the Clive Bull Show (in conversation with the David Lloyd) demonstrates



                                      Is it me or does Chris Lowrie sound like Jools Holland ?

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