NEW Cheesy Song for 2014 !

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  • #10498

      Your instant kit for a NEW Cheesy Song for 2014 !

      Just get the ‘Monday Cheesy song’ from here:

      Then do a CarEoke!

      “Welcome to the car lot, we are Working Wheels
      For second-hand Fiestas, we’ll do you super de-eals

      We’ve lots of souped up Renaults, in yellow, green or black
      And if you love the Oldies, there’s a Ca-pri around the back
      Our salesman Chris is ready, just join him at the bar
      Then get out your wallet, and buy a cheesy car

      a Datsun cheesy car
      a Nissan cheesy car
      a Volvo cheesy car!!

      Get driving – in a car that appeals
      Get driving – with our Golden Hour deals
      Get driving with your friends at Working Wheels!

      Come and choose a Ren-ault, or even a Rolls Royce
      Our accountant loves those, he’s really very ni-ce

      But we ain’t sold a car for years, not even a Chevrolet
      Cos who would buy a motor from a second-hand dee jay?
      A second-hand dee jay
      A second-hand dee jay
      A second-hand dee jay

      Please buy one – we’ve got tax to pay
      Please buy one –and make us feel gay
      Please buy one – and help the dee jay

      Wor-king Wheels really needs friends
      Or it’s the eeeeend
      We’ll go round the bend

      But we can’t think of a lyric that fits the end!”


        You got my laugh :)


          Excellent Len…..
          It’s amazing how he’s been “Let Off” it would be a prison sentence for the rest of us!!!

          Thanks Len also for sending me your (Favourite) Personal Cuts to add to my site!



            Ouch! Spot-on though Len!

            But you DIDN’T Get “NAIVE” into the lyrics :-(

            (But what a damning indictment (and theres many more of them for anyone who reads the REAL “news” rather than the dumbed-down “comics” masquerading as “newspapers”) of how the UK now seems to be run by its supposedly democratic Government for the benefit purely of the exceedingly wealthy 1% and paid for by the rest of us.

            How many disabled people people would/will have lost their Higher rate DLA (and hence transport) or been deducted £80 a month for supposed “spare rooms” just so even a single “disc jockey” (and BBC one at that…) could “legally avoid” ONE MILLION quid in TAX?
            Utterly shamefull – but “They” don’t care – “they” do it themselves so only the “loopholes” that don’t involve “them” will be the ones closed – if at all.

            Oh, and I have to pay $3-50 a year US Tax annually on a tiny block of US shares from a handlefull given to us by a US company I used to work for – I can’t “avoid” even that -how come the US Tax authorities can be so strict then?).

            End of rant – bring on the Revolution! Or at least Independence for Scotland!


              Cos alex and Nicola and chums are soooooooooooooooooooooooo trustworthy and upright citizens.

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