Mockup of KASE 101 top-of-hour cut from Reelworld

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  • #10045

      So, what if the KASE 101 package from Reelworld are used by fictional radio stations along with CHR, AC, News/Talk, Sports, Oldies, and Rock-formatted real radio stations and TV stations???

      These are the end sings of the top-of-hour cut as a mockup exclusive to
      and it will be heard on Soundcloud soon.

      KXVB-FM 104.3 (branded as “104-3 The Nation”)
      “K X V B – F M, Lincoln City, 104-3 The Nation”

      KKEV-FM 90.3 (branded as “Heartland 90.3”)
      “K K E V, West Memphis, Arkansas, Heartland 90.3”

      KEZH-FM 89.1 (branded as “89Q”)
      “K E Z H, Idaho Falls, Idaho, All Hit 89Q”

      WYYS-FM 102.7 (branded as “103KHJ”)
      “W Y Y S, East Lansing, Michigan, 103KHJ”

      KEEE-FM 88.3 (branded as “88 Family Life”)
      “K E E E, Tacoma, 88 Family Life”

      …and look for more later today


        I’m not sure I will bother…….


          so are all the aobve mock ups – pop em on SC that way I’ll know what your doing. but sonunds kinda interesting.

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