may jam/pams come back to peoria illinois?

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      on the radio insight page, today’s the last day for 1290 WIRL Peoria, Illinois as a classic country format. tomorrow, WIRL will be playing oldies, plus adds a new FM translator. which leaves the important questions.
      1: will there be jingles?
      2: who will do them! i think many collectors know that WIRL used Jam/Pams in their top40 days, from the philadelphia story, priority 1, positron, and best show 1 and 2. their maybe a chance that dallas may come back, maybe new packages! only time will tell.


        Will they even think of going back to TotalSound? :-D


          Dependent on what era they’re aiming at,if you were going with JAM,you couldn’t wrong with something like Home Of The Hits,Do It Again,or something like Totally Kool.

          You could also go with a composite – packages suiting the WIRL meter could include You’ve Got It,Hitradio, Laser Image and many more.


            that would be some great stuff to have a new composite of jingles from jam.


              for anyone wanting to stream the format change, i suggest starting an hour and a half to 2 hours before time of change. the time that WIRL becomes oldies is at 1:00 PM Central time, (US).


                It does appear that they’re using some old WIRL jingles. I heard a TOH cut from one of the WNBC JAM packages (The Only One, I think), as well as a quick shotgun that sounded like vintage PAMS but I’m not positive. I’m rolling virtual tape on the station so I’ll definitely be able to post a montage, if someone doesn’t beat me to it. :D


                  Also, I was just listening to the launch montage and heard some JAM Positron and Priority One cuts in there.


                    Here’s the cuts I recorded. They’re mostly using a mix of Positron and Priority One cuts (the shotgun I was referring to earlier turned out to be from the latter after listening to it more clearly), plus the TOH from The Only One. So far the jingles are all mixed in with sweepers (no stand-alone cuts) and are only call-letter sings (plus “Peoria” in the TOH), but it’s great to see the station acknowledging its heritage!

                    WIRL 2013 by mjb1124


                      like i always know, it just started, just wait till later on, and next week, then they’ll really be rockin’ then! also, i did hear the positron legal, and the way they sing the ending city, peoria, this is why i like doing those city roll call montages, you’ll always be suckers when it comes to a sung ID.


                        The Best Sound Peoria; WIRL.

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