Len Groat’s FIRST Pepper Tanner cut !

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      Thanks for the observations


      I did not know TB had any Now Sound cuts? Have you got any audio? All the PAMS ones are sung by S2Blue via JAM/PAMS.

      Sadly many of the PT are either unavailable or in mono (as it my cut) but with stereo vocals… it’s fine by me?! I did ask about ‘Station That’s All Heart’ :-)


      It’s THE cut from the package as far as I’m concerned and the fact some ‘Dallas singers’ (who were not born/at school when it was first made) re-created it so closely shows Dallas is STILL THE PLACE to go for such versatility…

      The iJingles/ TM set-up with Greg and Sean ‘at the reins’ is making all this old material LIVE again for crusty old radio men like me … :-)


        Somewhere I have a Now Sound resing for KRKT Radio.
        I uploaded into JM about a year ago.
        It still might be in the files.


          Len – P-T “All Heart”…did Sean etc say “not available” or “not got the tracks” – there IS a difference!


            Len – P-T “All Heart”…did Sean etc say “not available” or “not got the tracks” – there IS a difference!

            Not got the tracks :(



              Tracy Carman

                No gotz? How did THAT happen?


                  Hmmm! ;-)


                    Len, the following was posted by our very own D.H recently on JM’s Soundcloud and sounds distinctly ‘Ben Freedman’ in the way things are being sung / arranged / boys & girls split & layered etc, I’m sure there’s a ‘now sound’ cut in there somewhere ? not 100% mind, otherwise something very much like one has appeared in someones recent montage, I was suspecting that these cuts :

                    Tony Blackburn – Pick Of The Pops – BBC Radio 2 – CPMG by david-hemsley

                    Formed some kind of demonstration or pitch by B.F for some R2 work … That however is very much a guess on my part … After having some B.F work produced & hearing the masses of material I was sent at the time, the montage above sounds too crisp & modern I’d say to be an original 60’s recording for Mr Blackburn ???

                    B.F however DOES himself offer resings of the ‘now sound’ package :


                    And various other Pepper Tanner packages with a small disclaimer on the site “Pepper Tanner Jingles produced with permission from TM Studios, Dallas” presumably with his own group of singers in the way he does things … I guess it’s kind of confusing when multiple jingle co’s offer up the same package !

                    And in the words of Harry Hill “But which is better … FIGHT !!!” ;)


                      I’m intriqued by this BF Tony Blackburn POTP “audition” if thats what it is?

                      To be fair, it probably DOES actually “re-create” the sound/mood of 1968/9 needletime-era Radio One more than even the PAMS re-sings did (although the PAMS ones are actually far better perfomed than the original P-T ones were) – but would today’s BBC “hip young management” have thought the audio too “cheesy” or even too CHEAP for Radio 2 (yes, I know “cheap” could be an oxymoron here if anyone dares to mention McC&sso…)?

                      PS – looks like Tony Blackburn has been off ill – possibly pneumonia – so we all wish him well for a speedy recovery!


                        Simon – yes the cut at 0.26 is Now Sound cut 2 from the later post, but sounds like an incomplete mix of the track? (There is also a ‘It’sWotsHepPenIn’ track..)

                        I believe these were a ‘pitch’ for the jingles actually ‘won’ by S2Blue with PAMS tracks licenced from Jon at JAM.

                        I suspect it is ‘political’ that the BBC / Radio 2 use companies from Britain, rather than ANY Dallas company directly. And with the ‘deal’ that BBC now own the ‘rights’ to the tracks I suspect most established US jingle companies won’t ever pitch again?

                        As we know Wise Buddah is 3 minutes walk from the Radio 2 bosses, and with the BBC record for v e r y s l o w c h a n g e.. I fear we’ll not hear US jingles on Radio 2 for another 10 years at least…



                          Ahh remember the good old days Len when the BBC Changed their Packages every TWO Years!! :-))


                            Or even quicker when they commissioned a dud custom! (Audio Producers?)
                            (PAMS probably couldn’t believe their luck!)

                            Norman Barrington

                              Wixy I was told on good authority, that AP did these for Radio One gratis, because they thought it would be cool to have BBC R1 on their demo.

                              Radio One used them (why not?) for a while, until they found their way out to RNI via John Denny. But back a couple of years to 68, and an old school friend moved back to Johannesburg, and then sent me a tape of a popular station there, called LM Radio (Lourenço Marques), an English language Pop Radio stationed beamed from Mozambique to SA (Much like Luxy to UK) At that time there was only very BBC-like Radio South Africa. The jingles on LM sounded like this:


                              Another surprise discovery that made me realise how small the world of jingles actually was!

                              LM was so pleased with the Now Sound in 1968, they had it resung in 1970 (I include here a nice version of “drive safely” and then both 68 & 70 versions of the JY cut)

                              BTW Sometimes the problem is not squeezing a long ID into a short bed, but streching a short ID into a long bed!

                              Thanks Len for alerting me to this thread, I have been away from JM a while with other pressing stuff. I love your new resing by TM.

                              I always had a fondness for PT, they were sort of an underdog, yet with a unique sound of their own, and very collectable. The Now Sound is made more special by the variable music logo electronic front end stinger, a nod in the direction of Pams perhaps?

                              That Radio One had Now Sound AND It’s What’s Happenin’ whas clever in that the two packages go so well together. linked by the memorable WCAO six-oh Radio ID melody.

                              Did anyone else notice that ITW for Radio One hardly contains any actual Radio One IDs?
                              I thought it odd to PAY for almost generic cuts.

                              (English Vocals and it shows!)


                                Thanks for that info on the R1 AP Norman!
                                In 40+ years thats the first I’ve ever heard that story (not even from John Coles or Dave Jamieson back then) – but it reflects how chuffed Jon Wolfert must have been to have netted the BBC contract :)

                                No wonder AP went bust then though – everything customs, no syndication/resings, and freebie packages?

                                True about the R1 P-T – all those “Lovin’ Radio” etc generic lyrics…

                                Now Sound: “variable front end logo” – I’ve only ever heard TWO non-“WCAO”-logo variants – one the 7HO Hobart one based upon WLS PAMS/earlier, which I posted a bit of recently from a recently digitally-recovered copy of my original station-tape.

                                Norman Barrington

                                  AP did makes a few of those R1 cuts for others I think, actually I’ve looked them out whilst writing this (wonders of HDD storage), so turn up the volume, I bet you find these grow on you, as they benefit from the patina of time!


                                  Also since this is supposed to be about Pepper, here’s Now Sound around the world in 2.5 minutes, well New Zealand to Puerto Rico, back to Mozambique then little Moi.


                                    “Sureshot Bullet Performer” !!!! (did I hear that right?! Wot a mouthfull!
                                    And we “worry” about having “cheesy” lyrics on our Personal Cuts!

                                    The AP WMCA resings – I need a “Smiley” for “Utterly Flabergasted!” – I know you have built up (probably) THE most complex collection the jingle collecting world has ever seen – but that WAS a surprise even after all this time ! :)

                                    Norman Barrington

                                      Wixy, there are many logo variations for Now Sound, TomObie posted three versions near the top of this thread – I heard WTRY at :08 / Seventy-Seven at 1:15 and another different version at 2:07

                                      To add to his, here are a few versions I have here on the HDD:

                                      Norman Barrington

                                        It is true I have a large eclectic collection, but then I see Tracy’s trailer loads, with fork lift required etc ……… :0& The challenge, and I think he would agree with me, is to make these large collections accessible.


                                          “The challenge…is”

                                          In many cases, its the “legals” involved = often complex, or simply just “No Public Release Permitted”.

                                          Regarding the AP R1 – a quick reminder from my now 5-year-old JM montage…


                                          And the other 2 P-T packages discussed above…


                                          Norman Barrington

                                            No Public Release Permitted, riiiiight!!

                                            Well wot really I meant, your honour, is actually managing to find something specific and quickly, amongst a large collection. I couldn’t get those links to work, I guess I have to register, but if it’s just the Radio One stuff it’s OK but I am interested to hear your 4HO couldn’t find it on JM.

                                            Oops I just noticed this is in Jingles Now instead of Jingles Yesterday

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