KTU New York City – weather theme…

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      I was listening yesterday the great jingle package made for KTU (NYC) 2005, by Reelworld; unfortunately, when we play the individual cuts and choose the weather bed, they feature only a few seconds. Does anybody have the complete weather theme for WKTU?

      Thanks a lot! *I'm looking for this theme since over one year. (It is one of the B E S T weather theme I've heard in a long time…)

      Here is my e-mail: thierrylaflamme@gmail.com


        I really like that theme too. ReelWorld only added that to the website a while ago.

        If you want to hear the jingle in action, listen to the 'Paul in the States' podcast from March 2007 – http://www.thejinglenetwork.com/2007/03/30/paul-in-the-states-podcast/. It's near the end.

        Unfortunately, I don't have the full cut.


          Thanks a lot Paul! I usually find that even great jingle packages have a weak weather theme. I don't know why. If anybody wants to share some of these rarities, you are welcome!

          To all jingle lovers: Have a sweet day! Keep your ears open… :-)

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