I was browsing through the Sonoton Music Library yesterday (for no particular reason) and stumbled across a track called “Angels Flight” by Lindsay Tomasic. As soon as it started to play I recognised the track instantly as one of the Radio Scilly jingles from the “Islands” package!
http://jinglemad.com/e107_files/public/1229360098_52_FT0_radioscilly_thecoast14_full.mp3 filename:Here is the Radio Scilly cut in question which is a re-sing of track 14 from Jingle Factory's “The Coast” package. For obvious copyright reasons I haven't uploaded the instrumental version of this cut which appears on the Sonoton library; suffice to say two different versions appear on Sonoton CD “CNS 40 – Commercials Non Stop 40 – Promos & Trailers 9” if you want to take a look (tracks 24 and 25).
Did anyone know that this track was on the Sonoton Music Library? I know a lot of Cath Baxter and David Arnold jingle tracks feature on the Carlin Music Library, but does anyone know the story regarding this track?