ratnob wrote: Interesting to hear two “Nothing but class” cuts for WROR and WBZ because they’re both Boston stations. I thought market exclusivity meant you’d only hear one station with a specific cut.
When stations buy cuts from JAM, you buy a one year license. This means when that year is up, you either re-license, or you stop running the cut(s). (Actually, it means most stations continue to run the cuts, hoping JAM doesn’t catch them!) If you don’t re-up the license, other stations in the market are free to purchase said cut. WROR probably had the cut first, then when their license ran out, WBZ grabbed it.
When I programmed WXXY, most of our cuts had previously run on other stations in Chicago (WLS AM/FM, Q101, etc…) Of course, their licenses had run out long ago. Our price per cut was $500. To re-license each cut for a year was $325. I had 10 grand each year to buy jingles, and the re-licensing fee cost me 13 cuts. But hey, it was JAM…and they kicked major bootay!