Serving the universe
JAM – “the first 20 years” on Ebay — the seller is having a laugh! Opening bid price £150 or Buy It Now for £220!!!
I know until fairly recently it was no longer available from JAM, but since Jon discovered a batch of previously unsold CDs, you could just go to the JAM store and pick it up for $32
Add the word Rare and people normally go mad on ebay
Look at IPhones most new ones sell for £100 more than the apple store
Don’t think any Jingle collector will pay that price but you never know !
If they do pay silly money, they have never heard of this site, which probably makes them NOT a jingle collector !
The funniest part about that listing is the “Free P&P” bit.
Whack whack oops
The used copy I bought thru’ Amazon a couple of years ago was a real bargain – $2.48 plus $3.99 shipping!