Jam Jingle Airchecks

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      Never in a million years would I have guessed that was JAM.


        ahh I was expecting a typical FRESH 102.7 re-sing here … but these are GOOD, very modern, a great alternative to the standard JAM sound :) if it gets the $$$ in then who can complain !!!


          Pssst! don’t tell Len, but there’s a “Woah, Woah” in there! (…albeit just a little one…)

          These are actually quite “fresh” if you’ll pardon the pun – and sound quite “sparkly”, clear-voiced and lively on that aircheck.

          Its been said so often that JAM can and will produce “what the client asks for” – so even if “big city” corporate conglomerate stations are unable to consider JAM in their now-screaming-jingles urban mindset, then if the “outwith USA Markets #1-10” is the place where JAM can thrive then fair enough.

          Certainly hope Jon puts a demo or the cuts up on the JAM website soon for a proper listen :)


            I thought of Len when I heard that “whoa-oh” cut. But for the most part, these jingles manage to sound contemporary without conforming to the “blingle” formula, which is refreshing. And I agree that if the big markets aren’t going after JAM for customs anymore, it’s great that someone’s picking up the slack, and perhaps they can help JAM make a bit of a comeback. Plus, this package makes KBZN sound like one of the big guys.


              mjb, you’re right! it does make a small-market station sound like the big guys. Salt Lake City sounding like New York or Chicago. at least we’ve got 3 large-market stations going jam so far, right? CBS-FM, K-Hits, and Kost are those I could think of. WWRR appeared on the ascap website, and like you said, it might appear soon. like WFGR got posted on ascap and they aired them at least 4-5 days after it got posted. so, maybe WWRR might can be checked out in about a week? jeff, or scott, one of you has to get a jam check on WZCR and WSJD here, or whoever’s been doing recordings of stations not available on stream yet. and, i wonder when KBOQ and KABX are gonna be available to here what you’ve got!


                If not mentioned already WDRC with Rockin’ Ron & the gang have a new JAM custom !!! is DRC a major market station ? (apols. my knowledge of US radio is minimal !)


                  Here’s an edit of the WDRC FM TOH which I rather like :)

                  WDRC FM 2012 TOH (JAM) by flamingoodmedia


                    ooo thanks for that :) I heard rumblings of it being a package but I may have mis-read something on here, for a TOH however it’s pretty good, it plods a little slower than I’d of thought but get’s the message across with quite a bit of presence and with a really good, bass inclusive vocal harmony (as we might expect from JAM) … it would work quite well with what WDRC have been using to date if it’s a one off, but alas without a stream to listen to here in the UK I can’t confirm anything … as for the market info … “I’ll get me coat” ;) there was me thinking Hartford was BIG, at least as posters have also noted tho’ it sounds BIG, thanks in this case to JAM :) the current KOST package is just pure (modern) class from JAM, a little different in the treatment & ending of the vocals but really good all the same … as are the re-workings of the Fresh 102.7 themed cuts posted earlier, I’m liking what they’re doing of late :) it reminds me also of the re-workings done for ‘Jammin 105’ of many classic JAM cuts but with a modern, more soulful vocal approach … love it !


                      I ‘think’ I’ve picked out some new cuts in this montage posted by dogman849 earlier in this thread (doh missed that !) perhaps DRC commissioned a mini/top-up custom package :)

                      Drc fm jingles part 2 by INTERNET RADIO MIX 105


                        I’ve heard about seven or eight different new cuts for DRC-FM, between the montages and the times I tuned in on Global Tuners. This includes a new weather jingle as well, which was posted in dogman849’s first montage. So I think they got a full package.

                        As far as market sizes go, Hartford is #52 as mentioned, and Salt Lake City is #31, so I think that qualifies them both as medium markets. As far as I know, KOST is the only major market station to get a JAM custom in the last five years. It’s also one of the only major market AC stations to use JAM at all – two others are WKJY Long Island (Nassau-Suffolk, #19) and WEAT-FM West Palm Beach (which I believe falls into the #13 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale market).

                        Of course, JAM’s library of classic top 40 is enjoying a new lease on life at Classic Hits and 80’s/90’s stations, including big markets like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, and Phoenix. But ultimately, they need to make new customs for stations playing current music in order to stay relevant. So that’s why it’s good to see a medium-market station like KBZN get something fresh from JAM – hopefully the big guys will take notice.


                          Good analysis MJB. KBZN is a good pilot station to showcase how modern good produced jingles can sound like…


                            Len Groat said in another thread…and I quote:

                            “for those who delve deeply into what JAM ‘is’ doing, and list how many stations they ‘have’, I can only tell you that Jon has been ‘very busy’.”

                            I`m one of those who like to delve into what JAM is up to these days and it`s good to know that Jon has been busy, I like to think the “JAM Jingle Aircheck” thread reflects on how busy they are at JAM.

                            I started this thread in 2008 and just out of interest, here`s a list of all radio stations (the majority being USA stations) that have had JAM jingles on-the-air since 2008, obviously, this list doesn`t include ALL stations that use JAM, just the stations that other JAM collectors and Jinglemadders have thankfully mentioned in this thread and written about the JAM jingles…

                            Don`t hold your breath when reading this list ! ;-)

                            WODS Boston
                            WOCL Orlando
                            WCBS New York
                            WCTK New Providence
                            KOST Los Angeles
                            WLYF Miami
                            WNIC Detroit
                            KFKF Kansas
                            KXKL Denver
                            WFAN New York
                            WWFS New York
                            WSNY Columbus
                            WKLI Albany
                            WCFS Chicago
                            WRNQ 92.1 Lite FM, Poughkeepsie, NY
                            WPRO-FM Providence, RI
                            WWYZ Hartford, CT
                            New Jersey 101.5
                            WTKU Atlantic City, NJ
                            WLNH Laconia, NH
                            WALK-FM Long Island, NY
                            WOMC Detroit
                            WCOL-FM Columbus
                            WNNK Wink 104 Harrisburg using Z+
                            WFAS-AM Westchester
                            WFPG Atlantic City, NJ
                            WEBE Bridgeport, CT(WEBE 108)
                            WLTE 102.9 Lite FM in Minneapolis
                            B107.9 from Columbus, OH
                            XM 7
                            VOA Music Mix use JAM
                            Sirius Radio 6005 – 6006
                            XM 80’s on 8 and 90’s on 9.
                            WKSL from Raleigh, NC
                            WRBQ in Tampa Bay
                            WGNI (102.9 FM) Wilmington, NC
                            WTLT Lite 93.7 in Naples, FL
                            Solid Gold FM New Zealand
                            WOMG Lexington, Columbia – Home of the Hits
                            WDRC Hartford
                            WKQC “K 104.7” Charlotte NC (Sept 2009)
                            WVLT NJ
                            KOST (2010)
                            WKJY LONG ISLAND
                            WOCL has rebranded slightly from “Sunny 105.9” to “105-9 Sunny FM”. They’re still using JAM
                            105.3 WYKS Gainsville, FL
                            TERRY WOGAN – BBC RADIO 2
                            KEZK JAM custom
                            Big 95.7 (KBGO) in Waco, Texas
                            WLTJ Pittsburgh
                            Latina 100.3 WKKB, a Spanish station in RI was using a couple old JAM cuts
                            WMGC Detroit
                            95.1 Mike FM, KMXL in Carthage, Missouri
                            JAM-PAMS WAKY
                            KDSK in Grants, New Mexico
                            KOOL-FM PHOENIX AZ
                            JAM – Jon Wolfert sonovox – My100 (composite)
                            WAMS Ocean City, Maryland – March 2011
                            KFRC HD2/internet “classic hits” channel, which Jon Wolfert identified as a JAM resing of a PAMS Energy One cut
                            Vinyl 95.3 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
                            WNCL in Milford/Dover, DE.
                            WDMS in Greenville, MS
                            KZRZ Sunny 98.3 Monroe, Louisianna
                            KOMA Oklahoma City
                            Albany’s 105.7 Crush FM (WQSH) has a “90’s and More” format
                            KBOT (Wave 104.1) in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
                            Keyframes on WFMX (Mix 107.9) in Maine.
                            “Fox Oldies” WGNY in Newburgh, NY
                            WWWQ-HD2 out of Atlanta.
                            WNNF “Journey 94.1” out of Cincinnati
                            WOGL HD-2 in Philly, which normally runs an all-70s format, also airs JAM
                            WJLQ and WWFF, are using Skywave
                            KMAX Max-FM montage from JAM’s Home of the Hits
                            WJLQ in florida, journey 93-3 in huntsville,
                            KKLZ Las Vegas
                            KJUL Las Vegas
                            KSNE Las Vegas
                            WDRC-FM HD2 Hartford CT
                            WQAR does not stream, they are using Q-Cuts TOH .
                            WJMK (K-Hits) in Chicago
                            92.7 The Wave in Columbia, Kentucky
                            WHVE “92.7 The Wave” in South Central Kentucky
                            KOSP “Star FM” Springfield, Missouri. (similar to what Sunny FM Orlando also does, Home of The Hits, Positron, Do It Again, LogoSet laser shotgun)
                            KBZN (Fresh update)


                              That is impressive David! Some stations may have flipped format or changed jingle source but this list proves market share of Jon.

                              I am afraid a new generation of managers (aged 30 something) doesn’t find JAM ‘cool’ enough, I see that more often at work. It’s the image that counts. I can imagine that Reelworld is (or maybe was) more ‘cool’ to go to when needing jingles. Their sound, their demo’s, they are all stronger in language and sound – not in quality.

                              But trends pass by. Timeless quality does not – it revives time after time. That is why we are all here in this thread!


                                seriously? KFRC’s HD-2 signal has/or has had jam? I must’ve missed this! any audio?


                                  Hi Tyrone,

                                  no audio, here`s the full comment…

                                  Mjb1124 (April 2011) said:

                                  The only possible omission I can think of is KFRC. I know a few months ago Geoff Barton recorded a jingle off their HD2/internet “classic hits” channel, which Jon Wolfert identified as a JAM resing of a PAMS Energy One cut. I’m not sure if there are more JAM/PAMS cuts on there, or if they actually appear on 1550 KFRC AM, but I felt like this was worth noting.


                                    I think possibly RW ‘was’ the cool place to go when needing jingles … methinks they’re out of ideas now … possibly why others are wondering where the RW1 updates are these days, similarly Lighthouse & Kissville seem not to update now, although TM continue to innovate & produce new material, am liking both the TM and JAM recent stuff, and one or two indies spring to mind … I know they’re more down the ‘blingles’ route but the demo’s on M2-Edge are not bad for the formats served, a little RW but better perhaps ? Brandy tho’ now there’s good audio there :) and ‘some’ WB too … but this thread is JAM central, I’m watching for the 2011 KOST package to appear in demo form (unless it’s ClearChannel exclusive) and other recent JAM as that may indicate new material available for personal cuts purchase !!!


                                      I think possibly RW ‘was’ the cool place to go when needing jingles … methinks they’re out of ideas now … possibly why others are wondering where the RW1 updates are these days, similarly Lighthouse & Kissville seem not to update now, although TM continue to innovate & produce new material,

                                      Just because you haven’t heard any updates doesn’t mean they are “fresh out of ideas” ya know. The updating packages like Lighthouse, K2, Reelworld and Kissville produce an unbelievable amount of new product every month.I somehow can’t see JAM releasing custom jingles every month like these guys.


                                        JAM agreed maybe no, but who knows they might start a updating package at some stage … RW stuff is cool, no banging RW there, but I think maybe like JAM they’ve had their time in the spotlight for now, not to say they won’t come back but I don’t think in the UK we have much RW on the air now, where we did a couple of years back … I follow the progress of updating packages and I’m not so sure they’re all producing new material now, if you were to buy a starter kit for these I’m led to think your updates start from where everyone else’s updates started … anothing lasts forever so new products & updating packages emerge to take over, styles change etc, Lighthouse is excellent, Kissville too (and RW one) not saying anyone’s out of ideas but as with all things in life stuff moves on …


                                          Aircheckdownloads.com recently posted two montages of Turbo Z resings – one done for B104 Baltimore back when the package was new, the other being the recent resing for WFGR (which also includes a bit of Skywave and Warp Factor).


                                          There’s also a Bryan Simmons KOST aircheck from 2007, and an aircheck of Y100 Miami from 1990.


                                            Thanks to aircheckdownlods.com for letting us know that Chris Moyles has not only been on breakfast at Radio 1 this week but covering afternoons too. Great to hear he “classic” JAM jingles on Radio 1.

                                            You never know, Chris might get to read this on Jinglemad as he`s a big jingle fan and moreover a JAM fan, just wanted to say, great use of jingles Chris and thanks for airing them to the millions of listeners “Across the UK…” ! :)



                                              as always, i’m back on my kind of thread, the jam thread! and i bring you some good news for you jam jingle fans! WKTN in Kenton, OH is still using jam!


                                                Thanks Tyrone…guess who`s rolling a 4 hour minidisc, recording WKTN ! :)


                                                  Instead of “Imus In The Morning”…it`s “Amy In The Morning 95 WKTN”…

                                                  Yes, WKTN are using Nothing But Class and they sound great, here`s some airchecked JAM jingles…

                                                  JAM AIRCHECK WKTN (NOTHING BUT CLASS APRIL 2012) by Barras


                                                    Yep, the jingles sounds great. What a pity Amy doesn’t let them finish before starting the music.


                                                      Yes, great jingles, but her timing is horrible. Sounds quite amateur-ish… :O

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