Jam Jingle Airchecks

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      Could do but it`s actually interesting to see the response I`ve had by email…


        I cannot upload to Jinglemad anymore…


        I've just tried a test upload and it worked. Can you let me know a bit more info.



          Couple of other JAM cuts in this aircheck, recorded this evening:



            I've just tried a test upload and it worked. Can you let me know a bit more info.


            Hi Roy,

            thanks for getting back to me…

            Iºm in Majorca (donºt get this Spanish keyboard !) – Iºll get back to you when we return about uploading.

            Suffice to say, i used to get the message that Iain Johnston mentioned in another post "Used 0 bytes of your 48.83MB global upload quota (Max. single file size: 48.83MB)"

            David (BTW congrats on the new arrival…)


              JUST TESTING….audio upload functions

              EDIT:- Gents, I've just test uploaded a couple of large & small MP3 files, via single-mode and the flash-upload mode, and both appeared on the Submitted Post OK. Allowance size counter also worked OK (i.e. it subtracted the totals of the files I've submitted from the 44.86 Meg limit (which I hope someone will find out how to amend to something a little bit more generous when time permits!))

              (Test MP3s Now deleted)

              PS – David B – just how many foreign hols a year do you get then!!!??? – mind you, I'm sure you damn well deserve them in your particular line of work!

              PPS – "file inserted into the Post audio that can be downloaded", versus the "embedded player, no download" style…
              Personally, I much prefer the "inserted…downloadable" way – if the file is worth keeping rather than a one-shot transient playing-out (and a great deal of the audio that seasoned JMers post comes under the former) then that's my preference also (even if I'm always presented with an "Open(play) or Save" option screen every time)- as long as this 44.86 Meg malarky doesn't become a problem again.


                PS – David B – just how many foreign hols a year do you get then!!!???

                Hey Iain…we hit 39 C today (Sunday)…jingles in the sunshine, you canºt beat it !

                Majorca 5 Day Forecast Day

                Day weather Sunny
                37°C 99°F 23°C 73°F South Easterly12mph 19km/h 26%
                Very good More info for Monday's weather

                Day weather Sunny
                30°C 86°F 20°C 68°F West South Westerly12mph 19km/h 57%
                Good More info for Tuesday's weather

                Day weather Thundery Shower
                32°C 90°F 23°C 73°F South South Westerly8mph 13km/h 41%
                Very good More info for Wednesday's weather

                Day weather Sunny
                31°C 88°F 22°C 72°F South South Westerly9mph 14km/h 46%
                Very good More info for Thursday's weather

                Day weather Light Rain Shower
                34°C 93°F 22°C 72°F North North Westerly6mph 10km/h 45%


                  (…"37°C 99°F"…)…jammy s*d!!!

                  Ah well, back in Blighty, to paraphrase Alfasound it'll be "p*ssing down in Cardiff" and quite a few other places this coming week by the look of things!

                  Enjoy your hols Mr B – it certainly beats Loch Ness!


                    alright, 2 more, WLUJ is using jam, and KMAX is as well. KMAX being classic hits, and WLUJ is Christian Contemp. also, KABX is also using jam. it's not streaming yet.


                      Here's the Home of the Hits top-of-the-hour jingle from KMAX. Also, some Up2date resings from Sunny 98.3 KZRZ.

                      Attached files

                      kmax fm toh.mp3 (381 KB)  kzrz sunny 98.3.mp3 (1.5 MB) 


                        more new jam! now for WAFN in Arab, AL.


                          also, KABX is also using jam. it's not streaming yet.

                          I know that the station just flipped from oldies to AC, under the name "K 97.5". Wikipedia says that Gary Berkowitz is consulting the station – not sure if that's accurate, but ASCAP does confirm that they are using JAM jingles. Will be interesting to hear what jingles they use, if they ever stream. Though it is always unfortunate to lose an oldies station.


                            of course, if it's berko consulting, it's gotta be jam on track!


                              KZRZ (SUNNY 98.3)
                              WAFN Arab, AL

                              Thanks to tyrone & mjb1124 (sorry, don`t know you`re actual name) for these recent posts and JAM Aircheck audio…

                              Looks like JAM is doing alright these days mumoss

                                Looks like JAM is doing alright these days tyty21

                                  here we go again! more jam this month! WFGR in grand Rapids, WRMO, cintral maine, WJLT evansville, WJLQ in florida, journey 93-3 in huntsville, and a few more i can't remember. boy! it seems like jam's getting back on their feet!


                                    Here's a short KMAX Max-FM montage from JAM's Home of the Hits

                                    Attached files

                                    kmax hoth montage.mp3 (1.3 MB) 


                                      i figured that out when one of the variations was "serving west michigan". seems like john and the rest of the gang are stepping up the A game. keep it up!


                                        Thanks to JingleUploads and at40fan for the airchecks, and to Tyrone for keeping us posted. Glad to see JAM still getting a lot of business, even if it is mostly from gold-based stations.

                                        I listened to WJLT for a bit today and heard no jingles, so I guess their new JAM cuts haven't arrived yet, or at least haven't been put into the system. WRMO is still off the air as it has been for a while, but apparently will sign back on soon as "The Wave" with a classic hits format and JAM jingles. Of course the two new Journey stations, WJLQ and WWFF, are using Skywave as mentioned before (there's also a Flame Thrower cut in that WJLQ aircheck). And here's a few more Turbo Z cuts from WFGR.

                                        Attached files

                                        wfgr.mp3 (655.9 KB) 


                                          i think WJLT and WRMO are gonna be arriving next monday. acording to ascap.


                                            WAKY in Louisville, Kentucky are still using jingles by JAM-PAMS and they`ve had some PAMS jingles resung incorporating the “103.5” FM frequency….


                                            Loved the summer jingle they`ve used this year, here it is…



                                              I saw the Wikipedia page that WOGL HD-2 in Philly, which normally runs an all-70s format, also airs JAM, but with classic Z100 packages like Flame Thrower, Warp Factor, Skywave, and Turbo Z under the 98.1 WOGL logo compared to their analog signal which mostly airs various 70s-era packages. I took a quick listen using its CBS Radio player and I don't hear the cuts from any of the said packages, only the ones that are currently in use on its main signal. What a smart move for WOGL to add in some imaging to its HD2 content, since all other HD sidebands carry very little or no imaging at all(with the exception of simulcasts).


                                                I haven't listened to their HD2 in a while, but when I did, it was indeed the same cuts as the main channel. Wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to run 80's jingles on a 70's HD2 channel, or to have jingles sing "98.1 WOGL" if they were exclusively for the HD2 channel. For what it's worth, a new entry for WOGL jingles did appear on ASCAP recently which included Bruce Upchurch as a writer. So maybe they are getting those cuts for the main channel. I'm listening now and just heard the TOH from The Fyre which they have been using for a couple years now.


                                                  >>i think WJLT and WRMO are gonna be arriving next monday. acording to ascap.<<

                                                  You are going to LOVE the WRMO when we get them. A good sized composite coming!



                                                    Update on WOGL: They are using some new jingles, but they're on the main channel and are not from Z100 packages. There's some cuts from Outstanding, and a few others (including the TOH) that I don't recognize, but they have an early 80's sound. I'll post a montage later on.


                                                      will it be streaming online? and you work for WRMO? how do you know this stuff.

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