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  • #2335

      In the USA – do they call them “re-sings” or “re-signs” ??


        You mean when jingles are sung for different stations after they are made custom?




          If the cuts are not sung correctly for a station and need to be done over, we call them resings. That’s how I list them in my database. In fact, I laugh because some cuts are redone several times and may be listed as “re-re-resing” for the 4th attempt.

          If a custom package is syndicated… and then sung for a station… there really is no term for that. They are not resings as they were never done for the syndicated station…. so… it would be in my database as (for example) WXXX – TM’s KNBR Pkg…. and just known as a syndicated version of the KNBR Pkg.



            Cheers TC – I ask because I’m puzzled about the references towards the end of this article:



              JingleArk wrote: Cheers TC – I ask because I’m puzzled about the references towards the end of this article:


              Obviously Ian Beaumont doesn’t use a Spell Checker (or proof reader) 😆


                I’ve already enquired – he says the terminology used is correct for the USA.


                  The Editor of that web site (which is excellent btw) wrote to me thus:

                  “Oops.. I gather from colleague Ian Beaumont that this is in fact
                  correct. In the UK they are referred to as “re-sings” but in the US the
                  term is indeed “re-signs” – US stations have call letters (signs) rather
                  than names.

                  We are checkintg the original research, but thanks for focusing our


                    Interesting article. A few “facts” are brushed over pertaining to PAMS history, but I’m not going to spend the night writing a lengthy clarification. It’s not my place… nor is this the time to do it. Some times it doesn’t pay to be in the middle of things and hear all sides. (shrug)

                    Anyway…. The original PAMS Series 1 tracks were recut in 1955. I had the original track reel here, but turned it over (along with the original backing track reels for series 2-13) to Jon Wolfert. I felt that it was appropriate that these reels live back in Dallas… and I also already have a backup of them here on DAT. I’m told that the original Series 1 tracks were horrible… which is why they were later recut. I’ve never heard any of the originals, however… and don’t think that they exist anywhere.

                    I’ve never heard of the term “re-signs”… period. I could be wrong… as I’m not in “the biz” in Dallas…. but I think someone has been sniffing some airplane glue. I’ve always heard of such things as “resings over classic tracks” and such. I suppose you can create any name you wish to describe something… but that doesn’t mean that it’s used in the industry.

                    That’s it… from my prospective.



                      Thanks for that, Tracy – I’ve passed on what you say and hope they “re-sign” their wording.



                        In my opinion, a re-sing is when a jingle is re-done for some reason, such as when a station changes it’s call letters, but has the same jingles re-sung with the new call letters. I see this term a lot, but it’s confusing because not everyone is using it the same way.


                          whats the fuzz?

                          resing and resign – both are correct!


                            What Topcat said above is correct in the US. I have never heard of a re-sign. I think people are using re-sing as a way of saying what package a station has purchased. To my knowledge, a re-sing is a re-sing, not a station’s original purchase of a package. Just a discussion, nothing more.


                              I’ve been far too active in the Dallas jingle biz for 25 years and nobody has ever referred to anything as a ‘re-sign’, not stations, not producers, not singers. Maybe I ought to get out more often, I’m too busy making jingles to know or care what they’re called anymore (we’ve always referred to any version subsequent to the custom package as ‘syndicated versions’ or ‘resings’; a ‘redo’ is when you screwed up and had to do it over). Perhaps ‘re-sign’ is a Reelworld invention, or something from across the pond. I don’t see it in their ‘glossary’, although I am amused by it (including the misspelling of ‘acapella’). Guess I should bone up on what it is I’m supposed to call what I’ve been doing for all these years.


                                bruceup wrote: I’ve been far too active in the Dallas jingle biz for 25 years and nobody has ever referred to anything as a ‘re-sign’, not stations, not producers, not singers. Maybe I ought to get out more often, I’m too busy making jingles to know or care what they’re called anymore (we’ve always referred to any version subsequent to the custom package as ‘syndicated versions’ or ‘resings’; a ‘redo’ is when you screwed up and had to do it over). Perhaps ‘re-sign’ is a Reelworld invention, or something from across the pond. I don’t see it in their ‘glossary’, although I am amused by it (including the misspelling of ‘acapella’). Guess I should bone up on what it is I’m supposed to call what I’ve been doing for all these years.

                                Thanks for clearing that up Bruce…..
                                All these sleepless nights thinking that for all these years I have been spelling “Acapella” wrong not to mention the new PC word for Resings!! 😆

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