everett – hospital radio – available now in jingle downloads

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      call me old fashioned , but if it hadnt been for hospital radio I would not have been the one who carted up ocean sound when it went on air….
      so its ok by me.
      Kenny did me some jingles when i was hospital radio and royal navy dj.
      Would anyone be interested to hear them?… I don’t know if hospital radio is off topic or not.
      I say thats where I started, I subsequently have sufficient credentials to register here. I was radio victory/ ocean sound power fm tape ob studio engineer as a result of hospital radio.
      I live for jingles, beds doughnuts and backtiming…. ha ha ha
      and in my eyes, kenny is the radio god, so any material of his is worth hearing thro the digital ether.
      so, should i post them up?
      I joined here today, awesome place……
      its like coming home

      i have now posted segments for download. enjoy.
      one spoof commercial from a christmas tape
      some kenny
      a camp pete wardman ident made by me are regularly aired on powerfm

      the jingles are now available in the download section anoraks corner.


        Yes please do post some of your Kenny Customs (any any others!)
        He certainly did some great stuff over the years! :D


        http://www.pete-wilson.net – The Home Of Great Jingles

        http://www.pete-wilson.info – The Complete Jingle Trading List


          thanks for that. Ok i will find out how to post a file up to my isp and link it here, over the weekend. its coming…..
          mind you, so is bloomin’ christmas…….
          oh how i miss ‘the christmas tapes’


            thanks guys.
            i hope u enjoyed hearing kenny. Forget the idents and names.
            He was just a flipping genius.

            I know he is out there listening………

            someone said in a pm to me ‘they go on a bit’

            well of course on air you wouldnt hear all the music tails,
            and the dry vocoder idents would play in time over something appropriate………

            theyd fade nicely in to to something else, luv………:o)


              Hi Surf

              What section have you put the Everett stuff in ?

              Cheers :)


                in jingle downloads, in the anorak section. sort the downloads by date, mine will come up for 23/11/04 . the package is called kenny_chr

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