Desert Island Jingle!

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  • #10405

      Ok, just a bit of fun….

      Tonight you will be banished to a desert island!
      (Amazingly you will have a cart machine, power supply and speakers), however, you can only take ONE cart with ONE jingle with you.

      Which one will it be? Post below!


        Sorry, but I’d have to take my KenR PAMS Series 27 Personal Cut, cut #3 “Surf”!
        What else would be “appropriate “for “atmosphere” and the right SFX :^)

        PS – long ago, I actually had a “station ID” from effectively a “desert island” station, a tape that I mooched
        from Radio Tarawa in the (then) Gilbert & Ellis Islands, now Kiribati (sp?).

        Reel long lost in my 1980s “no one collects jingles anymore, *sob*” big clearout (yes, I know…but did’nt know…)



          I don’t believe it!
          I just searched for that audio online and its popped up on a mixcloud file by a radio/jingle collector “name”
          that I recognise!

          I know that dubs of my original station-recorded collection propagated around the world in the 1970s,
          but I never expected to ever hear THAT one again!

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