Jovem Pan AM 620 São Paulo, Brazil top of the hour (actually bottom of the hour and used between programs) legal ID, ReelWorld WMAL resing (from 2008, but still used currently), featuring the call signs of all Rádio Panamericana-owned stations with that format:
their signature morning news (5am-9:30am on O&O stations, 6am-9:30am simulcast on FM 100.9 São Paulo, 6am-7:30am on affiliates) theme, custom:
BBC Radio 1:
Newsbeat 2005/6- Music4
Newsbeat 1999- Vibe/Music4
2009 DJ Talk beds- Some are in-house, some are Music4, some are Wise Buddah
2009 Imaging FX- Wise Buddah [X-GEN]
Theme Park World 1999-Bullfrog
Theme Park Inc 2000- Bullfrog
BBC LDN- Music4
Spin South West- Music4
Wave 105- Music4
Real Radio-Music4
Dublins 98-Music4
Capital FM-Music4
BBC Local Radio- Mcasso Music Production