Christmas jingles – TM and Mannheim Steamroller

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      I’ve been asked the following question by “one of our newer Members”

      “… about Mannheim Steamroller, what did you mean by that with TM Imaging? Are you talking about the song “Silver Bells”? I heard that song today by Mannheim Steamroller on Lake 98.1 this morning, and in the beginning, I heard the intro of a jingle that Sunny 99.1 uses. I was totally surprised”

      Certainly a couple of years ago, while possibly still Jones TM, TM Studios in Dallas offered a licensed Christmas package of the Mannheim Streamroller “Seasonal” music tracks, as well as “sung-over” vocals of a station’s name/call etc on the front of each item. The instrumental rendition of “Silver Bells” was indeed one of the items in that Library package.

      I’m not sure if the service is still available to TM clients – certainly the page that used to have the demos for it and MP3 samples of the 30: 60: second etc versions or alt mixes isn’t clearly visible as it was at one time. I downloaded the demo page audio at the time, but I’m not sure where/if its still may be here at the moment.

      If you need to know more, I’m sure the JMers with much better knowledge of TM’s services than I do may be able to explain a bit further! :)

      As for the two stations you’ve mentioned – where are they?


        Here’s the cut I heard last year. Quite a surprise if you ask me.


        I am glad my radio does not sound like that !


          I’ve located my own old copy of selected items from the “pre-record” CDs that were offered as “free downloads” at the time, albeit they were in low bit-rate. Plus a couple of examples I’d kept of the “station versions”. Also the 2 related demos of the packages proper.

          However, I think I would be best to not post them, as I don’t know what the copyright situation might be, as this was obviously an arrangement by then Jones TM and the original music publishers, which perhaps is not now available to present day TM clients?

          For fans of Mannaheim Steamroller seasonal offerings on commercially-available CD, etc, I found over FIFTY items listed on Am&zon UK alone, including track-by-track MP3 downloads ay 89p each.


            The YouTube example sounded just the Christmas jingle provided to Clear Channel stations. “Happy Holiday from….Mix.” All the Mix stations in my area played it. No frequency included. Sounded cheesy to me then, and even worse now.

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