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May 20, 2011 at 10:30 pm #78974
MemberCan confirm Three Counties have the new stuff.
I wonder if anyone could point me towards the most recent Three Counties Radio jingles? They started in the first half of 2010 I think… they are refreshes of the classic jingle.
I have always liked 3CR jingles and these most recent were really good. Didn't last long though, barely a year!
I don't think they were by Music4… or at least it isn't on their website. Any help would be appreciated!!
All the pre-corporate sound were from Music4 apart from the original 3CR jingles which were from a local Milton Keynes company.
May 21, 2011 at 4:17 pm #78981goonernn7
All the pre-corporate sound were from Music4 apart from the original 3CR jingles which were from a local Milton Keynes company.
And JAM of course – which provided various cuts for 3CR's Ern & Vern over the years and the now-regional programme Rock and Roll Heaven.
May 22, 2011 at 9:44 am #78986AndyWalters
MemberAnyone know who made these? BBC WM 2002.
They are not bespoke as I have emailed them to Tim @ Bespoke and he emailed back saying they were hot his.
http://jinglemad.com/e107_files/public/1297207795_14723_FT75978_wm_2002.mp3 filename:wm_2002.mp3
That's interesting as we on station were told that the music tracks were made by Bespoke. I think BBC Radio Leeds used the same music tracks at around the same time. All of the other elements were made in house and came in a number of guises, the first of which 'Voices of WM' were voiced by listeners (and in my opinion sounded awful!) but they won a production award. After around 6 months the listener voices were dropped and Asian Network presenter Samina Ali Khan was brought in to re voice (the cuts that feature in your attachment!). A third incarnation used Midlands Today reporter Lyndsay Doyle. This was that time in-between dumping JAM (and carts!) and taking up with Music 4 in mid 2004. The last package of idents used at Pebble Mill.
June 5, 2011 at 9:58 pm #79150martin watts
That's interesting as we on station were told that the music tracks were made by Bespoke. I think BBC Radio Leeds used the same music tracks at around the same time. All of the other elements were made in house and came in a number of guises, the first of which 'Voices of WM' were voiced by listeners (and in my opinion sounded awful!) but they won a production award. After around 6 months the listener voices were dropped and Asian Network presenter Samina Ali Khan was brought in to re voice (the cuts that feature in your attachment!). A third incarnation used Midlands Today reporter Lyndsay Doyle. This was that time in-between dumping JAM (and carts!) and taking up with Music 4 in mid 2004. The last package of idents used at Pebble Mill.
The number of BBC stations yet to change is still in double figures. Does anybody know why it would take so long and when other stations are set to change?
June 8, 2011 at 3:18 pm #79193simon_t123
MemberSome of the earlier BBC Local imaging, those mentioned from BBC WM, with BBC Suffolk using similar (and BBC Derby having a mish mash of instrumental JAM BBC Essex tracks & those from 'BBC Creative') I'd have to say that they DO sound very much like they were composed and instrumented by Bespoke Music, I'd heard that way back too from a reliable source but it's always been denied. What I 'think' might be the case is that Bespoke, JAM or any other producer that provided imaging in the "twinkle" era (where the logo's of the majority Beeb locals were almost identical) produced these under an all rights buy out type agreement like the one that Radio Two have recently sought in their imaging contract tender. That would make sense to me, BBC Creative seemed to be aligned to the network trails & imaging work that seemed to come from BBC English Regions in Birmingham … These are not solid facts of course, but so many of the WM / Suffolk cuts of the time are alike to say BBC Wiltshire or BBC Sheffield tracks made by Bespoke Music at the time, my moneys on a buy out deal, in which case 'BBC Creative' could well be given as the producer of the audio in question … if ANY of that makes sense
MemberThe Mcasso BBC Local imaging was done under the BBC Worldwide umbrella.
The push to have them playting on all asap is based on projected income from usage that BBC WW is not getting from the stations still using older packages. Projections of income were most probabbly based on all stations paying rights on the tracks by a certain date, if they are not income returns will be lower than anticipated.Nothing to do with having a unifed sound and creative but how much rights money flows back into BBC WW.
The reason it is still not in use on some stations – My conjecture might be that the Editors on some of those stations don't particularly like the imaging being foisted onto them.There was a bit of "you don't want to be last and not have the choice of cuts" as regions side by side cannot use the same tracks. however laughable as a concept when they are trialing programme sharing!!! The thought if you are a bbc local with stations N S E W if you are last to adopt all the "good" ( and I use that term in loose terms ) cuts will be allocated leaving you with the worst.Trouble is the package was developed to suit the financial requirements of BBC WW to maximise revenue from playing out a package made on X rights agreement. BBC worldwide don't care about quality if if its the right product as long as they can show the ££'s from the model. Et Voila the mess thats on air now. Sounds awful but it costs YOU the licence payer less.
June 8, 2011 at 5:15 pm #79199simon_t123
Member… @MB … BLIMEY !!!!!!
BBC Shropshire are now using the Mcasso jingles. Do think they sound slightly out of place on the station. They seem to have a 'city' feel.
June 19, 2011 at 11:30 am #79436simon_t123
Memberpah … another sung jingle user bites the dust
Member… nothing new at all in this package either !!! some stuff heard on Kent & Leeds, here's an mp3 however of the news in, travel (with some extra bed as travel were not awake yet) and a kind of standard presenter ID
MemberIt just sounds awful. BBC Local Radi ois in the toilet audience wise.
Being taken over by the News Dept didn't help as now the suits think the only thing worth doing is news news news – like people don't talk about anything else.
BBC Local radio despite the commercial groups moans is so cash strapped, the overheads are mostly staff so any cuts mean people.
Why does the imaging they were using 20 years ago sound more upbeat and alive?
This imaging can only help BBC LR spiral downwards will dull lifeless middle of the road imaging. compare the TM BBC Radio Shropshire package to Mcasso. It's like Mozart and Aqua.June 19, 2011 at 8:52 pm #79451tom_h
Yeah, it is a shame. Shropshire's old jingle package suited the station sound.
I've realized with the new ones, they don't really work if you have the travel after the news as the presenter ID doesn't fit in right. It just becomes jingle after jingle.
June 19, 2011 at 9:16 pm #79453IainJohnston
MemberAs has been said before – if the FranceBleu system can have extremely good sung jingle packages with universal generics, regional variants, local variants, the works, then why do the BBC locals have a problem?
June 20, 2011 at 6:06 pm #79462martin watts
Yeah, it is a shame. Shropshire's old jingle package suited the station sound.
I've realized with the new ones, they don't really work if you have the travel after the news as the presenter ID doesn't fit in right. It just becomes jingle after jingle.
It's a surprise to read on a jingle site that somebody is not keen on 'jingle after jingle'. As a jingle lover, two in a row is great to me. On a Saturday afternoon Radio Leicester begin their sport programme with the introduction then there's the sport jingle then straight into the travel jingle. The excitement is too much for me! Perhaps I'm the only one.
Back to topic, I can remember a lot of excellent sung jingles on Shropshire – it's a sad situation.
June 20, 2011 at 7:19 pm #79463tom_h
It's a surprise to read on a jingle site that somebody is not keen on 'jingle after jingle'. As a jingle lover, two in a row is great to me. On a Saturday afternoon Radio Leicester begin their sport programme with the introduction then there's the sport jingle then straight into the travel jingle. The excitement is too much for me! Perhaps I'm the only one.
I do like jingles after jingle but only if it seems to work. The problem is this package uses a mix of two cuts, Leeds and I think somebody said Essex, they don't seem to fit. Still surprised that WM hasn't changed over yet with it being a large station. Then again they may be waiting for Ed Doolan's departure and schedule changes.
How many are left without the new package now, does anybody know?
June 20, 2011 at 9:13 pm #79465mb
MemberBBC Manchester and London will be the last I guarantee – Two very rhobust Editors with strong views on Imaging who have crafted vert strong station identity sounds. Poor Manchester having to give up ( one of a very few ) classy IQ Beats productions for that plinky old tosh just so BBC WW can make more profit.
June 21, 2011 at 9:19 am #79467AndyWalters
MemberWM will be going Mcasso in the next month or so.
June 21, 2011 at 11:38 am #79471mb
MemberReload up the JAM WM Carts I say!!
June 21, 2011 at 12:46 pm #79472martin watts
I do like jingles after jingle but only if it seems to work. The problem is this package uses a mix of two cuts, Leeds and I think somebody said Essex, they don't seem to fit. Still surprised that WM hasn't changed over yet with it being a large station. Then again they may be waiting for Ed Doolan's departure and schedule changes.
How many are left without the new package now, does anybody know?
10 I think.
June 21, 2011 at 4:37 pm #79479simon_t123
Memberewww I was an initial fan of mCasso's package but when it's rolling out in a VERY samey fashion it's starting to grate … I would have thought WM would have changed earlier as I thought LR was controlled from Birmingham ? coming under the news umbrella has done stations no real favours … from my experiences loitering around BBC Essex and trips of other beeb locals over the years they seem over-staffed, like most BBC things, there's producers, BA's and all sorts in the mix, someone for everything it seems sometimes and then stacks of journos and sports guys etc and bi-media jorunos that do bits for regional tv, the "online team" blah blah blahm I mean I manage to admin 5 'net' stations, one of which enjoys contributions from a number of remote jocks sending voicelinks and I do all that by myself, admittedly it keeps me busy !!! My point here is that savings must surely be possible in staffing costs, specifically ancillary staffing costs and not in station imaging ???
I admit I am a fan of uni-formality in some sectors like transport (bring back British Rail and the National Bus Company !!!) but in radio I just don't know, there would have been so many better ways to execute this branding task, a sonic logo but individual packages and styles ? I don't know but with my local having picked up the mCasso 'stuff' a couple of years back now whats next ??? different mCasso stuff ??? surely 2 years is near shelf-life, perhaps the original adopters will be able to move out of mCasso times ??? Here's hoping, as some are sounding stale now and not everyones on board yet !!!
June 21, 2011 at 5:57 pm #79484martin watts
ewww I was an initial fan of mCasso's package but when it's rolling out in a VERY samey fashion it's starting to grate … I would have thought WM would have changed earlier as I thought LR was controlled from Birmingham ? coming under the news umbrella has done stations no real favours … from my experiences loitering around BBC Essex and trips of other beeb locals over the years they seem over-staffed, like most BBC things, there's producers, BA's and all sorts in the mix, someone for everything it seems sometimes and then stacks of journos and sports guys etc and bi-media jorunos that do bits for regional tv, the "online team" blah blah blahm I mean I manage to admin 5 'net' stations, one of which enjoys contributions from a number of remote jocks sending voicelinks and I do all that by myself, admittedly it keeps me busy !!! My point here is that savings must surely be possible in staffing costs, specifically ancillary staffing costs and not in station imaging ???
I admit I am a fan of uni-formality in some sectors like transport (bring back British Rail and the National Bus Company !!!) but in radio I just don't know, there would have been so many better ways to execute this branding task, a sonic logo but individual packages and styles ? I don't know but with my local having picked up the mCasso 'stuff' a couple of years back now whats next ??? different mCasso stuff ??? surely 2 years is near shelf-life, perhaps the original adopters will be able to move out of mCasso times ??? Here's hoping, as some are sounding stale now and not everyones on board yet !!!
BBC Radio Northampton kept a package from 2000-2007 so I don't think 2 years is the shelf life with current budgets.
June 21, 2011 at 6:31 pm #79485simon_t123
MemberAhh yes thats a fair point, mind you their Bespoke Music package was literally Bespoke and as a custom (cost vs syndication) I'd imagine the shelf-life would have to be longer to justify the cost. Previous Beeb packages have lasted 2 maybe 3 years on average, be interesting to see what comes after a big dose of mCasso for stations like Essex (who had possibly a November 2009 sign on with mCasso) …
June 22, 2011 at 11:46 am #79495simon_t123
Memberhttp://www.mcasso.com/radio.php?sel_movie=radio6 has some examples of the mCasso LR imaging …
June 22, 2011 at 6:15 pm #79501martin watts
http://www.mcasso.com/radio.php?sel_movie=radio6 has some examples of the mCasso LR imaging …
The sung 'BBC' at the beginning is interesting.
June 22, 2011 at 6:22 pm #79503simon_t123
Memberyeah I certainly thought that when I first heard that demo, and thought it would have been nice to roll out with generic "BBC" sings at the very least !!!
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