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September 24, 2016 at 11:08 pm #100700
I’ve heard a sung BBC on another station but can’t remember which. I know Cumbria don’t use the standard news bed, they use a normal program bed in the run up to the news.
September 26, 2016 at 10:10 pm #100702star tetley
I’ve heard a sung BBC on another station but can’t remember which. I know Cumbria don’t use the standard news bed, they use a normal program bed in the run up to the news.
I think that may be a second specific news bed because it includes the pips.
October 3, 2016 at 7:48 pm #100725RW
Looks like this is a two-year roll-out. It’s almost a year since the ‘new’ sound debuted on Radio London, and it’s now made its way round to 21 out of 40 stations. Unfortunately I live in one of the areas that is still stuck with the old stuff…
October 3, 2016 at 9:29 pm #100726mb
MemberProbably because its a terrible package – The “cuts” are just edits or versions of the longer cuts – This is the problem when a company not used to making and understanding radio imaging is given the job – the beds, ramps and stings are all either feeble or pretty appalling, they lack the understanding of how these cuts are used on air or would sound with voice overs – It must be hard to make a listenable, cohesive and usable set of cuts and imaging for a station with this set. I doubt it will EVER get on all 40.
October 4, 2016 at 9:14 am #100727star tetley
Probably because its a terrible package – The “cuts” are just edits or versions of the longer cuts – This is the problem when a company not used to making and understanding radio imaging is given the job – the beds, ramps and stings are all either feeble or pretty appalling, they lack the understanding of how these cuts are used on air or would sound with voice overs – It must be hard to make a listenable, cohesive and usable set of cuts and imaging for a station with this set. I doubt it will EVER get on all 40.
It will get on all 40 stations as they have no choice!! I wasn’t expecting much but it is really disappointing – makes the first package seem like jingle gold!
October 6, 2016 at 11:24 pm #100733Vinnah
I actually preferred the previous Mcasso package, it’s actually refreshing when listening to a local station which is still using it – amazingly so. The new package is just boring & the same just about on anything that uses it, BBC 3CR have tried their best to make good use out of it but it it’s bland compared with the previous Mcassso package & nowhere near the Music4 package they used to use.
Has anyone listened to Richard Spendlove recently, is he still using his Music4 jingle? Out of all of the BBC Local stations, BBC Cambridgeshire seem to be the ones who actually held on to loads of old jingles. Tony Gillham was still using more or less the full set of Music4 jingles during his show right up to when he stopped broadcasting on the station! They’ve also only had the one variation of the Mcasso package.
October 8, 2016 at 1:17 pm #100741GrahamCollins
Coventry and Warwickshire are using sung versions…….
October 8, 2016 at 9:18 pm #100747star tetley
Coventry and Warwickshire are using sung versions…….
See above discussion!!
October 8, 2016 at 9:19 pm #100748star tetley
I actually preferred the previous Mcasso package, it’s actually refreshing when listening to a local station which is still using it – amazingly so. The new package is just boring & the same just about on anything that uses it, BBC 3CR have tried their best to make good use out of it but it it’s bland compared with the previous Mcassso package & nowhere near the Music4 package they used to use.
Has anyone listened to Richard Spendlove recently, is he still using his Music4 jingle? Out of all of the BBC Local stations, BBC Cambridgeshire seem to be the ones who actually held on to loads of old jingles. Tony Gillham was still using more or less the full set of Music4 jingles during his show right up to when he stopped broadcasting on the station! They’ve also only had the one variation of the Mcasso package.
The Music4 jingle has finally gone…now using Mcasso first package
October 8, 2016 at 9:45 pm #100749GrahamCollins
Yes you’re right Star Tetley – I was suffering word blindness. This thread is huge and I was only dipping in….
Someone today played me two versions of the BBC ‘sing’. It was good to hear something different in this context. I nearly spilt my tea.
October 24, 2016 at 8:16 am #100792star tetley
Northampton new cuts using voice-over with Bristol accent. BBC Local Radio at its best!
January 3, 2017 at 4:09 pm #101063simon_t123
MemberWhat’s the latest with the locals as we head into 2017 ???
Singing still on C&W I hear, didn’t realise that was with the new package … makes a nice change …
January 3, 2017 at 7:29 pm #101066RW
What’s the latest with the locals as we head into 2017 ???
The ‘new’ package has still only made its way round to just over half the network, with 18 stations, including those in my area (Surrey, Sussex, Kent), still airing the worn out old stuff. So far, it doesn’t look like anyone’s taken the new year as an opportunity to change over.
January 4, 2017 at 4:40 pm #101071star tetley
Radio Leicester 50th birthday this year and apparently there are going to be some changes but at the moment it’s ‘as you were’.
January 9, 2017 at 11:03 am #101103domin
Looks like BBC Radio Norfolk has now started using the ‘new’ Mcasso package as from today…
Which now just leave’s BBC Radio Cambridgeshire as the only BBC Local Radio station here in the East region still using the original Mcasso imaging.February 3, 2017 at 3:21 pm #101154simon_t123
MemberBBC Radio Lancashire News Intro (Mcasso, Off-Air, Fairly Clean), Weather Bed, Breakfast Ident, 030217
You HAVE to surely love the BBC local radio news intro from the 2nd generation of Mcasso imaging ? Rolled out on all stations taking the package in almost the same format (some have a shelf for the pips, some use a run-on bed for the headlines) the theme is the same for all, it’s so atmospheric, and in this case fairly clean as well … Also the weather follows, and breakfast programme opener ident …
February 3, 2017 at 7:47 pm #101155IanF
BBC Radio Derby now have new jingles
March 6, 2017 at 6:02 pm #101288RW
26 stations now airing the ‘new’ Mcasso package, but it doesn’t look like BBC Sussex and BBC Surrey will be joining them any time soon, as they’ve had a rather curious refresh today. The news intro is as it was but with new voiceovers, while there are new presenter IDs which seem to come from the first generation of Mcasso cuts circa 2010, with the old three note jingle. And there is a new travel jingle with car horns on it which seems to owe nothing at all to either ‘new’ or ‘old’ Mcasso, likewise a new weather bed. The overall result is a rather strange mish-mash.
March 6, 2017 at 6:41 pm #101289star tetley
WM have new stuff on trail for Alex Lester breakfast beginning soon.
March 20, 2017 at 8:08 pm #101369Seany
BBC WM aired their new Mcasso imaging today. The news intro sounds like it belongs on Classic FM.
Been listening on and off all day presenters and news readers are getting caught out, by them as theres ‘radio for the west midlands’ after the news logo..There a few cock-ups with old news imaging being mixed in the Caroline Martin Show and Sunny and Shay… and I belive I heard a Jam jingle in Mollie Greens early show at 5am
BBC Coventry and Warwickshire are using the same imaging as WM all be Cov have’BBC’ sung.
March 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm #101372enerjee
I can’t help singing the 1970s British Gas “Cook, cook, cook, cookability, that’s the beauty of gaaaas” commercial every time I hear the bed. It just leads out of it.
I think the notes are very similar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIrBxtCYnz0
April 1, 2017 at 12:07 am #101412Vinnah
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire are still on Mcasso Mk1 exactly as they were at the start of the package. Are they the only ones who haven’t changed in nearly 6 years? They were also using bits of their Music4 package until quite recently.
April 10, 2017 at 11:19 pm #101462DanielTennick
Hey all
I don’t suppose any of you happen to have any of the Mcasso BBC Local Radio packages or tracks you could share? Ideally looking for the News TOH ramp version’s? Been looking for them but i can’t find any copies anywhere
April 10, 2017 at 11:47 pm #101463GrahamCollins
I’m afraid you need to know someone who actually works in BBC Local Radio, and to have been a trusted friend for many years to get hold of them…..
April 11, 2017 at 12:13 am #101464DanielTennick
I’m afraid you need to know someone who actually works in BBC Local Radio, and to have been a trusted friend for many years to get hold of them…..
Hey Graham.
Damn! Well, there goes my chances! haha
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