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October 30, 2011 at 4:47 pm #65691
Membertimbo, those Cumbria & Solent cuts are none too bad
and robertpobjoy dear chap, if you have anything odd or new Mcasso-wise hidden away please consider letting us have a listen, ta !!!
November 5, 2011 at 6:19 pm #80736fredgreek
The Cumbria travel bed is the same one used on BBC Radio Gloucestershire and BBC Radio Berkshire (I think BBC Radio Lancashire also use it but not sure).
November 11, 2011 at 7:37 pm #80898Vinnah
I’ve been listening to BBC Radio Northampton’s jingles, does anyone else think that out of all of the Mcasso implementations in the East, Northamptons seems to be the most unpolished out of the lot, not the quality of the jingles themselves but they way they’re played out.
The news bed doesn’t seem to connect to the logo at all usually starting after a delay during the pips and it’s now the only one in the East which is played during the regional programmes after 7.
I’m not a fan of Suffolk having Mcasso as I thought the s2blue package was absolutely excellent but they do seem to have made a good effort with what they have, I still think that 3CR’s use of Mcasso is more polished than the others.
November 13, 2011 at 11:31 pm #80596star tetley
I’ve been listening to BBC Radio Northampton’s jingles, does anyone else think that out of all of the Mcasso implementations in the East, Northamptons seems to be the most unpolished out of the lot, not the quality of the jingles themselves but they way they’re played out.
The news bed doesn’t seem to connect to the logo at all usually starting after a delay during the pips and it’s now the only one in the East which is played during the regional programmes after 7.
I’m not a fan of Suffolk having Mcasso as I thought the s2blue package was absolutely excellent but they do seem to have made a good effort with what they have, I still think that 3CR’s use of Mcasso is more polished than the others.
Some interesting points. I agree that the Northampton news is strange. You say it is the only one played during the regional shows? Please explain.
November 14, 2011 at 7:41 pm #80469Vinnah
Recently just before Suffolk switched to Mcasso the other BBC East stations stopped playing their news beds after 1900 each night. Northampton is now the only one which does.
November 15, 2011 at 9:50 am #80254simon_t123
MemberI wonder if that’s a fault with Radioman ??? it seems a bit of a backwards step to de-image a sequence that actually worked quite well … of course it would be all neat & tidy under Mcasso rule !!! Mind you I guess if all stations are using Mcasso then the regional jocks may as well just use a generic “doo-dee-doo” news intro
It’s interesting around the regions to note that if say Kent is producing network programming they seem to use their own Mcasso logo ! which much sound odd to some (possibly only jinglemadders living in the patch lols) …
I think Manchester is the only local not to have or use it’s own logo ? It’s all sounded very plain & B-B-C to me, not bad imaging but nothing new or their own there, again mind the argument might be that all stations around BBC Mancs have pretty much the same Mcasso logo anyway !!!
November 15, 2011 at 4:53 pm #30743Vinnah
It’s interesting there used to be a couple of programmes like that on Saturday nights in the East which you could hear a generic BBC in the East Mcasso variation even on Radio Suffolk before they switched to Mcasso.
Richard Spendlove’s Eastern region (and in Kent) programme on a Saturday plays out the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire presenter jingle on all stations however it’s the old Music4 jingle which BBC Cambridgeshire dropped in August! It’s pretty awesome that they kept some reference to it anyway.
Also there’s another non Mcasso generic BBC In the East set of jingles which is played out sometimes on the Nick Risby show which have been around for a few years, not quite sure who made them but they have the same voiceovers as on BBC Radio Suffolk which is where Nick Risby’s show comes from.
November 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm #30900simon_t123
MemberBBC Essex had their 25th birthday the other week, they didn’t even go back to jingles of old in their ’25 years of BBC Essex’ type show … and no new Mcasso material, you’d think after 2 (maybe 3) years now (I forget) they’d refresh the news / travel junctions that are played TO DEATH !!! Elsewhere in the region mind, there’s fresher Mcasso variety to be heard, it’s not bad … Still not sure Vinnah why they’d drop the localised news ins, have they returned yet ?
I’d heard random things on regional shows in the East, Ern / Vern had a BBC 3CR instrumental from music4 at the start of one of their weekend shows of recent years, what does Wally Webb do in the mornings ? Am sure he uses Norfolk cuts but not 100%
Refering to Spendlove … those music4 BBC Cambs ID’s hardly ever had a BBC Cambs logo, not sure if you ever noticed but it seemed BBC Devon paid for that package as only the news & travel cuts have a BBC Radio Cambridgeshire logo, the jock ID’s and a lot of the sung cuts Cambs used had the BBC Radio Devon logo, I always thought that sounded kinda weird …
BBC Suffolks S2Blue package was small but functional, from the S2Blue site there were even a suite of cuts not used it seemed, I enjoyed listening in as I travelled regularly thru the patch, of course that package was very closely related to previous BBC Radio Cornwall S2Blue work, and Suffolk’s cuts could well have found a home in Cornwall, tho’ I’d not listened to their output since dating someone from nearby Plymouth back in 2006
November 16, 2011 at 4:56 pm #61617Vinnah
There are localised news intros between 1900-0100 every weekday night however sometimes they play a generic “BBC In the East” (Not the actual name of the package) set of jingles which I’ve not heard anywhere else and they’re definitely not Mcasso. Weekend evenings are different.
November 16, 2011 at 6:22 pm #61600Vinnah
Yes I did notice that it was in fact unmodified Devon jingles even the sung versions were just singing the word Cambridgeshire over the Devon tune. They sure got more use out of the package than Devon did though.
I’ve uploaded the generic BBC East one to the sound cloud, it’s called BBC East.
November 16, 2011 at 7:53 pm #30802simon_t123
MemberVinnah, yeah had a listen to the BBC East clip
something I was told about those cuts in the past were that they were for use in an ‘IT or Radioman failure’ situation, I’ve heard that proved before when Sue Marchant had trouble firing off splits she said something to the words of “station’s won’t get their local jingles due to a computer problem” and then, by the next travel bully & news after that generics in the style you’ve posted have been played instead.
Thinking of Steve Cherelle’s Sunday Country show that’s for the East via Essex, he only used a generic stab version of the Essex travel theme to go in & out of travel, no voiceover etc. Most of Sunday evenings were produced in Essex (unsure if still the case) I guess the stations have contingency audio available for network shows.
With everyone Mcasso’d in the East now I’d hope someone in Norwich in charge of regional programming on the locals might re-think & re-image those times. And looking further ahead with talk of an England-wide shared show 7-10 there’ll almost certainly be attention paid to making the junctions work better, that should apply also to all shared programming threatened by beeb local management to come, I guess it makes sense now they’ve succeeded in getting stations sounding so similar ?
In the old days BBC South used to remotely fire off carts from Southampton during evening shares, that seemed to work more solidly than the Radioman macro type remote playouts.
As for Devon lols
they’ve always been a bit zzzz to make use of previous jingles, Nottingham & Kent made better use of the post 2000 sung jingles that I think Devon were first to produce, same as you say with the music4 package, it was way to upbeat for sleepy ol’ Devon, there’s some pretty fronty cuts in that package, can’t see Judy Spiers ever opting to use ’em
And on the subject of music4 I was flicking thru some of the old BBC 3CR packaged, there’s a urban, dance, reggae & just about every music style theme there you’d not expect to hear on beeb locals !
November 16, 2011 at 8:21 pm #54336Vinnah
3CR had in my opinion the best jingle package out all the stations in the East before they switched in fact it was my favourite radio station all together before they went and mucked around with the schedule the same day they implemented Mcasso.
The News and Travel versions on the Music4 website are not the versions 3CR had been using before the switch.
November 16, 2011 at 11:19 pm #64814simon_t123
Memberno that’s right they seemed to go back and get ‘topped’ up on the info cuts every now & then, and they always got better & better, I lurved going thru their patch with the TA on the car radio just to listen in on how their travel wrapped into their news, bit like the BBC London cuts of a few years back, I’m all for a neat & tidy imaging setup me lols …
interesting with 3CR they had sung cuts from music4 in between instrumental packages, as a fan of 3CR did they use the sung cuts much ? I only ever heard instrumentals of cuts that had been sung, one Xmas on a shared show Ernie Almond played a sung 3CR to network by accident, it’s these jingle-bloops we love to hear, it gives away the secrets of where network shows are coming from etc
I have always since the dawn of my jingle time seemed to love BBC local radio imaging, not sure why it didn’t fit the street cred as a young lad, but listen to BBC Newcastle’s TM package from the 90’s they were sounding hotter than the average ILR at the time, BBC Essex had customs from David Arnold in 86 with UK singers, in 91 with US singers, my fave package of all that was, never resung for any other station … ahh memories lols !!!
November 17, 2011 at 12:21 pm #61610MarkieG
I liked listening to some of the S2 Blue jingles for Radio Cornwall
November 17, 2011 at 9:12 pm #67905Vinnah
The sung jingles weren’t used much at all on 3CR in fact the only show that used them frequently was The Nine O’Clock show (Now the other One Show) there are some variations of it, it’s called Mid Morning on the Music4 site.
The instrumental Soft Rock Promo Bed – Short Version was the jingle they frequently played to identify the station and it was the first jingle played each day after the 6 o’clock news.
November 18, 2011 at 2:32 pm #74476nickmozz
Hi there
Is there any reason why the MP3 files on the older posts are “Not found” anymore? I listened to old great BBC Bristol newsbuild a few months back, and trying to listen again today just comes up with “not found”. I know this website was recently revamped but it’s a shame the old audio in posts seems inaccessable. (unless i am doing something wrong?)
I use the post below as an example of links that I can’t get to play.
Many thanks
Nick Mozz
timbo wrote:
“BBC Radio Bristol and BBC Somerset are the next ones to take up the package, according to Mcasso's website”I quite like the Somerset/Bristol package at the moment…anyone have the Bristol version of the attached?
http://jinglemad.com/e107_files/public/1272231475_1091_FT75978_som_news_60sec_edit.mp3 filename:som_news_60sec_edit.mp3
I absolutely love the news build from this package. Thanks for posting the BBC Somerset variant. From rummaging in the archives it would seem that these are based on a BBC Leicester package.
Enjoy the Bristol flavoured version!
http://jinglemad.com/e107_files/public/1272708594_4510_FT75978_-_bbc_radio_bristol_-_news_build.mp3 filename:-_bbc_radio_bristol_-_news_build.mp3November 19, 2011 at 2:16 pm #79885simon_t123
Member@ nickmozz I’ll get that up on JM SoundCloud
December 1, 2011 at 4:35 pm #81013nickmozz
Thanks for the old BBC Bristol Newsbuild Simon!
December 1, 2011 at 7:13 pm #81014simon_t123
Memberno probs
the topics gone all quiet for the mo … not many stations left to talk about I think !!!
December 1, 2011 at 10:10 pm #81017LenGroat
Tonight I posted this on Facebook in response to a sound file of Shropshire MP’s ‘plugging’ the local BBC station in a House of Commons debate:
“These MPs must be ‘early to beds’ as they did not mention Amanda Bowman the BEST presenter they have
And SURELY they can go back to the wonderful SUNG American jingles of a few years ago rather than these AWFUL ‘voice things’ with music behind? And YES I DO know the station ~ I was living near Newport Shrops for 2 years….”
Within 2 hours Andrew Hewkin who works on the station has posted a sound file of the American (TM) jingles…. !
They may not be on the air now but they clearly keep them close to their hearts…
December 2, 2011 at 6:34 pm #81028local_12
Strictly speaking, since her show is networked, Amanda Bowman presents from BBC Radio Nottingham
December 9, 2011 at 5:05 pm #81079GB
Does anyone have any Christmas mcasso BBC local beds now we are in that festive season?
December 10, 2011 at 2:24 pm #81087simon_t123
Membercan’t recall there being any GB
… actually not 100% on that, it’s possible they ‘jingle bell’d” up some of the usual cuts, at least here in Essex … I can’t remember any specific festive cuts, it might well have been bells in for strings or someone with an overdub using their trusty triangle or cymbals
December 11, 2011 at 9:21 am #81091GB
Yes they had the bells in for strings on some of the jingles on BBC Sussex last Christmas, some with little ‘jangly bits’ added on the end as well. They did also, however, have a full festive weather bed, that was completely different to the conventional version.
December 11, 2011 at 12:06 pm #81092AndyW
MemberTonight I posted this on Facebook in response to a sound file of Shropshire MP’s ‘plugging’ the local BBC station in a House of Commons debate:
“These MPs must be ‘early to beds’ as they did not mention Amanda Bowman the BEST presenter they have
And SURELY they can go back to the wonderful SUNG American jingles of a few years ago rather than these AWFUL ‘voice things’ with music behind? And YES I DO know the station ~ I was living near Newport Shrops for 2 years….”
Within 2 hours Andrew Hewkin who works on the station has posted a sound file of the American (TM) jingles…. !
They may not be on the air now but they clearly keep them close to their hearts…
Radio Shropshire signed on with TM back in the 80’s and had a lot of JAM stuff inbetween till they went back to TM for a custom package a few years ago. The Magic Of Shropshire 96FM. Perhaps it was strategic not to mention Amanda Bowman. After all she’s networked from Nottingham. Not very local to Shropshire is it? For the rest of the day they have the local thing nailed pretty well and a very good presentation team.
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