BBC Local Radio is changing

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      BBC Radio Gloucestershire is now using the Mcasso package – the same Top of Hour cut as BBC Radio Leeds, which I don't think sounds too bad. The travel jingle's not too bad either. I can live with them for a while, until the BBC has enough money for individual station packages again.

      martin watts

        BBC Radio Norfolk have not changed but I'm sure I heard some Mcasso on one of their trails. Any ideas what's happening there?


          Radio Kent had Mcasso material sneaking onto Radioman around the time it made the switch away from it's IQ Beats package so I'd imagine it was perhaps a sign of imminent change lols, they normally do these things on a Monday morning first thing or around some significant date like a bank holiday (probably to get past any imaging nightmares manifesting as teething problems !) Norfolks current package I don't know much about really, am sure Fred here said they were 'Maximum Productions' but not 100% … Suffolks been clutching on to their package from S2Blue for almost a little too long now … Essex changed a millennium ago it feels ! Whilst also in the region, Northampton were last heard using their Bespoke Music package, Cambridgeshire 'were' using Music4 but that might need confirming now, whilst Three Counties had left Music4 for Mcasso sometime this year I believe … A few odds & ends to tie up across BBC East then martin watts

            Radio Kent had Mcasso material sneaking onto Radioman around the time it made the switch away from it's IQ Beats package so I'd imagine it was perhaps a sign of imminent change lols, they normally do these things on a Monday morning first thing or around some significant date like a bank holiday (probably to get past any imaging nightmares manifesting as teething problems !) Norfolks current package I don't know much about really, am sure Fred here said they were 'Maximum Productions' but not 100% … Suffolks been clutching on to their package from S2Blue for almost a little too long now … Essex changed a millennium ago it feels ! Whilst also in the region, Northampton were last heard using their Bespoke Music package, Cambridgeshire 'were' using Music4 but that might need confirming now, whilst Three Counties had left Music4 for Mcasso sometime this year I believe … A few odds & ends to tie up across BBC East then local_12

              A contact at Mcasso has said that BBC London will be rebranded with the Mcasso jingle and every LR station will have the ident by 2012


                A contact at Mcasso has said that BBC London will be rebranded with the Mcasso jingle and every LR station will have the ident by 2012

                Such a shame as BBC London has great strong imaging and the Mcasso stuff will sound dreadful on air, especially up against a strong sonic identity like LBC. But quality is not the issue with this project BBC wprldwide reaping in royalities and a share of the publishing rights is. I think it fair to say that some stations will be dragged kicking nd screaming into using them because they are programmed by people who understand on air branding and identity and really dont like the dishwater from Mcasso.


                  Maybe London will have refreshed cuts ??? or have all the mCasso cuts that exist been released now ???

                  Would be nice to have some of these cuts in the clear appear for collectors, and beeb local types able to load up some news or travels for us JM'ers ??? thats where the better cuts lie, in the information sequences, the ID's can be a bit flaky … Following up MB's comments on BBC Worldwide being behind these cuts, I wonder if there is a shelf-life for the project ??? Several years should see the package come to an end naturally, unless of course it's refreshed or added too, even rotated amongst stations …

                  Lots of speculation there mind freq-ky

                    Radio Kent had Mcasso material sneaking onto Radioman around the time it made the switch away from it's IQ Beats package so I'd imagine it was perhaps a sign of imminent change lols, they normally do these things on a Monday morning first thing or around some significant date like a bank holiday (probably to get past any imaging nightmares manifesting as teething problems !) Norfolks current package I don't know much about really, am sure Fred here said they were 'Maximum Productions' but not 100% … Suffolks been clutching on to their package from S2Blue for almost a little too long now … Essex changed a millennium ago it feels ! Whilst also in the region, Northampton were last heard using their Bespoke Music package, Cambridgeshire 'were' using Music4 but that might need confirming now, whilst Three Counties had left Music4 for Mcasso sometime this year I believe … A few odds & ends to tie up across BBC East then tom_h

                      I think the mCasso package will be better received on some stations than others. I can't wait for WM to change because it currently sounds so dated. I think the quality also depends on if the cuts are from different packages. In my opinion BBC Radio Shropshire's sounds very poor because of the mix but Stoke is the opposite as it has a consistent sound.

                      martin watts

                        I think the mCasso package will be better received on some stations than others. I can't wait for WM to change because it currently sounds so dated. I think the quality also depends on if the cuts are from different packages. In my opinion BBC Radio Shropshire's sounds very poor because of the mix but Stoke is the opposite as it has a consistent sound.

                        Some of the news build-ups are OK but can't see much in the rest of the packages.


                          From Monday 25 July 2011 BBC Radio Northampton changed to Mcasso leaving behind Bespoke Music.You can catch it on iPlayer and sounds similar to BBC Radio Devon


                            Northampton & their Mcasso package is nothing new sadly, it's cut for cut like the recent Shropshire package, we can tell the packages have well & truly done the rounds now … tho' it's an update & possibly an improvement on the Bespoke imaging mind, I never really liked that Bespoke logo !


                              I wonder if Mcasso are reserving a couple of cuts specially for London…
                              Maybe even a unique logo like Leicester and Humberside…


                                that's what I forgot to say about Northampton, am NOT impressed by the logo they went for … it's the same as another stations logo and ok it's got the same number of notes as 'Northampton' has syllables but it just don't seem to flow right on the cuts … hey ho, there's nowt that can be done here now !!! I'd hope @local_12 they have some better variations or even a customised set of cuts for London, the slow ploddy beds won't cut it in London, some of the dance/pop might work but am sure they will get some kind of custom take on the MCasso sound, am not really sure however that any of the other LR stations will get that, those yet to change will possibly 'fill the gaps' as it were in between stations that have already taken Mcasso packages.

                                it does seem that 'most' stations have cuts with their localised logo, the first clutch of adopters did BBC Essex / Hereford Worcester could have used the same logo to keep things cheap but theres subtle differences to the logo, stations more recently have made do with previously used logos, the Northampton package highlights this, the logos not quite right "North-hamp-ton" where it should be more "North-am'ton" if you get what I mean ? lols …


                                  I have to say that I much prefer the mcasso BBC Radio Northampton jingles to the old bespoke package. I didn't like that 'dum-dee-dum-dee-dum sound that was heard for example, in the travel bed I think. I'm surpirsed they took so long to change it!


                                    I have to say that I much prefer the mcasso BBC Radio Northampton jingles to the old bespoke package. I didn't like that 'dum-dee-dum-dee-dum sound that was heard for example, in the travel bed I think. I'm surpirsed they took so long to change it!

                                    I loved the bespoke material for Northampton – especially the first package way back when.

                                    So in case we forget how good BBC local radio sounded in the 2000s before Mucarso, here are three montages: let's hear from JAM, Bespoke, Jones-TM, S2Blue and IQBeats

                                    Attached files

                                    BBC Local Radio montage 1.mp3 (6.2 MB)  BBC LR montage 2.mp3 (3 MB)  bbc LR montage 3.mp3 (3.5 MB) 

                                    star tetley

                                      I loved the bespoke material for Northampton – especially the first package way back when.

                                      So in case we forget how good BBC local radio sounded in the 2000s before Mucarso, here are three montages: let's hear from JAM, Bespoke, Jones-TM, S2Blue and IQBeats

                                      Thanks for that, I loved it!

                                      By the way, all change in Cambridge today.


                                        well the Cambs news in is a new one in me /wink.gif’ class=’bbc_emoticon’ alt=’;)‘ /> I'm still dual-minded on things overall, I love my jingles but I also love a uniform sound lols !!! I think I'd always sit on the fence lols, my only real concerns are stations first to be Mcasso'd now starting to sound 'stale' what's the move on plan ? Rotate Mcasso packages ? That would make sense star tetley

                                          well the Cambs news in is a new one in me /wink.gif’ class=’bbc_emoticon’ alt=’;)‘ /> I'm still dual-minded on things overall, I love my jingles but I also love a uniform sound lols !!! I think I'd always sit on the fence lols, my only real concerns are stations first to be Mcasso'd now starting to sound 'stale' what's the move on plan ? Rotate Mcasso packages ? That would make sense local_12

                                            So, Cambridge has opted for a more different version,it may just be me, but I am not happy with their selection it does not seem to fit with Cambridge, I was expecting something on the lines of Gloucestershire but there you go!
                                            The travel jingle like simon_t123 said is the best avaliable but is becoming overused as Three Counties and Northampton have it too. I'm a bit suprised about WM still not taking it,they could be next. Solent seems strongly against it as it is the only 'BBC Across The South' station that doesn't have it. I wonder who's next…


                                              BBC Radio Berkshire has now changed to the new package. It sounds great with the news build similar to that of BBC Sussex, BBC Surrey, BBC Radio Leeds and BBC Radio Gloucestershire, and the travel similar to the varaint used by BBC Radio Gloucestershire.

                                              I think that is now 32 of the 40 BBC local stations using the package.


                                                WM will be airing Mcasso as of this coming Monday morning.


                                                  WM will be airing Mcasso as of this coming Monday morning.

                                                  <sigh> this is getting like Japanese knotweed.


                                                    WM will be airing Mcasso as of this coming Monday morning.

                                                    About time, might drag the station up a bit. Inferno

                                                      About time, might drag the station up a bit.

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