BBC Local Radio is changing

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      I have several contacts in the BBC, they tell me the whole of BBC Local Radio is getting the same jingle package.

      Apparently there are 700 (?) to choose from and each station will have a very slight variation and their own voice overs but will all be created by one company.


        MichielAlexnder wrote:
        I have several contacts in the BBC, they tell me the whole of BBC Local Radio is getting the same jingle package.

        Apparently there are 700 (?) to choose from and each station will have a very slight variation and their own voice overs but will all be created by one company.

        Here we go again :( They did this about 10 years ago and most of them sounded the same back then for a while. So much for individuality which BBC local Radio is all about. I'm beginning to yern for the days when I was younger in the 80s and all the stations had different identities.

        This sounds like a cost-cutting measure. Shame BBC Local Radio has to go down the same route as every bloody radio station in the UK!….I'm a little annoyed about this :) Oh well


          So which company has got the deal..any demos


            Sounds like what Radio France did when the “Blue Network” aka “France Bleu” was created in the 1990s.

            That was done well – i.e. strong, clear-cut common jingles musically structured to “carry” just about any conceivable local/regional area name variant service as well as the central sustaining “core” output from Paris.

            As for Beeb Local – I have a 5-pence bet that the likely successful Company might just involve an “old pals act” where the name of a former Radio Clyde / Radio One DJ would come to mind. Thats only purely “conjecture & speculation” on my part of course…

            Inferno's right though – Clonetown's Bland FM will now also have Clonetown's BBC Radio Bland, to go along with the Identikit High Streets of Tesco, Starbucks, Phones4U, Julian Graves, Wotherspoons Books, etc, and of course the Chinese acupuncture shop!


              I know the BBC Introducing programmes have uniformed with a package run throughout all local radio stations. I don't think that's the case at the moment with a full station package.


                Now I maybe wrong but AFAIK it's not one of the regular “jingle” companies – it's more a sound design firm but I can't for the life of me remember the name … and yes AFAIK it's the same package across the network as far as I know – which is different from a few years ago when there were the BBC Local elements which were added to different packages … this is one package for everyone. It goes along with the total rebrand of all of BBC Local.


                  Any idea when this is suppose to come in ?

                  (Cambs still on Music 4 when I heard a bit last sunday)


                    I believe it could be Groove Addicts, according to their twitter.


                      Oh great this isn;t going to make BBC Local radio sound crappy is it. Whilst Heart go national sounding the bbc waste thier usp of being local with a fantastic wallpaper sound project.


                        Its just another move to copy ILR …networking the bbc local stations .. same bbc product ,same bbc jingles, same 10 cds known core music……….no more bbc local

                        Lets hope they they dont buy the £99 jingles this month from Bespoke … Wogan was talking about real radio on his radio Two breakfast show

                        Maybe 3 jingles per station and the same news bed for every bbc local… ..time to turn off the radio now


                          It's true, all I can say is that there is a patter and sound to it!


                            Or do you mean “pattern” ?

                            Any potential “sneak preview” material available perhaps Shaun?


                              It's a patter and sound feel to it- that's what the boss told us.

                              Sneak preview- I don't think anythings been released yet.


                                It's not groove or any traditional jingles company, so not Music4, Wise Buddah, JAM, TM, IQ Beats or Groove.
                                I heard some last night an was underwhelmed. The Star Wars bursts of laser zaps in the news intro sound awfully dated.
                                I'm not sure jingle fans will like them.


                                  Michael Bolton wrote:
                                  It's not groove or any traditional jingles company, so not Music4, Wise Buddah, JAM, TM, IQ Beats or Groove.
                                  I heard some last night an was underwhelmed. The Star Wars bursts of laser zaps in the news intro sound awfully dated.
                                  I'm not sure jingle fans will like them.

                                  OMG Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse


                                    Does anyone know when new jingles will go live? – Was listening to BBC Essex this morning, and they don't appear to be using the S2Blue package any more. They were instrumental jingles.


                                      I think it is a phased rollout – they are a hard sell in the regions as there are many that dont like them.


                                        I'm gutted to read about this new generic, presumably non-sung sound that's coming, as it will mean the end of the excellent IQ Beats package on Radio Manchester.

                                        In my opinion that package is a huge part of the station, and has really helped change the feel of the station from GMR. I love the current re-mixed top of hour sequence (not currently on IQ's website) and the first(?) sung “Manchester's Weather” jingle I can think of on any Manchester station (also not on IQ's website).

                                        I wonder if the station voices will also become standardised? Again Radio Manchester's Craig Kelly/Trish Bertram mix is perfect for the station. (Perhaps this is why Manchester's Key 103 also went with Craig Kelly, knowing he wouldn't be used by the BBC for much longer? Something that seemed a little strange at the time)


                                          RjM wrote:
                                          I'm gutted to read about this new generic, presumably non-sung sound that's coming, as it will mean the end of the excellent IQ Beats package on Radio Manchester.

                                          In my opinion that package is a huge part of the station, and has really helped change the feel of the station from GMR. I love the current re-mixed top of hour sequence (not currently on IQ's website) and the first(?) sung “Manchester's Weather” jingle I can think of on any Manchester station (also not on IQ's website).

                                          I wonder if the station voices will also become standardised? Again Radio Manchester's Craig Kelly/Trish Bertram mix is perfect for the station. (Perhaps this is why Manchester's Key 103 also went with Craig Kelly, knowing he wouldn't be used by the BBC for much longer? Something that seemed a little strange at the time)

                                          The rumor I heard was they were trying to go with a standardised female voice and a “local” make vouce for each area or vise versa. It's all a bit of a train wreck.


                                            So who's great idea is this at the BBC?


                                              Radio Suits ..they cock it up every time ..I have no time for them..One day……..


                                                I find this all rather baffling seeing as it was only last month that BBC Sussex & BBC Surrey introduced sung jingles for the first time – why would they have bothered bringing in a new package if they'd known there was a corporate package on the way? Or are they one of the stations that is being defiant?


                                                  Robert Williams wrote:
                                                  I find this all rather baffling seeing as it was only last month that BBC Sussex & BBC Surrey introduced sung jingles for the first time – why would they have bothered bringing in a new package if they'd known there was a corporate package on the way? Or are they one of the stations that is being defiant?

                                                  Good question Robert. At this rate I think all of the BBC local staions should be defiant. There are a lot of good jingles out there. Radio Manchester (IQ Beats), Radio Lancashire (S2BLue), Radio Cambridgeshire (Music 4), the list goes on…Hopefully this is a wind up.


                                                    From what i can gather from my own contacts, stations with newer packages will not be forced to take the new branding for some time . . . as soon as new jingles are due for them then they will be expected to rebrand under the new image.

                                                    There are a few stations that will rebrand before Christmas, those with older packages.

                                                    I'm told the full details of the roll-out will be unveiled next week at a BBC Station Sound conference . . . should be interesting.


                                                      David Hemsley wrote:
                                                      From what i can gather from my own contacts, stations with newer packages will not be forced to take the new branding for some time . . . as soon as new jingles are due for them then they will be expected to rebrand under the new image.

                                                      Hopefully that means Surrey and Sussex will be safe for the foreseeable future then. I don't know which company did their jingle package, but since sung versions were brought in of the jingles that were introduced in March, I think they've sounded pretty good.

                                                      Maybe this rebrand across the network will end up being like the last time they tried it, around ten years ago, when some stations took on the full corporate jingle package, others worked elements into their existing jingles, while others (Southern Counties amongst them) ignored it completely.

                                                      It sounds as if it'll be a long time, if ever, before we actually see all 40 BBC Local Radio stations using the same jingles.

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