Are JAM and Thompson Dying?

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      especialy jam, their jingles sound like a amatur band put them together. and one again, How many stations Have had Crecent city magic from THCR resung?


        Er … I'm not sure whether this is a serious post. But if it is, let's agree to disagree: I can't think of any jingles that get much better than JAM's for sheer musical professionalism.

        Geoff Barton


          I agree with Geoff. JAM continue to produce quality packages with high production values and tight vocals over carefully crafted backing tracks. There's musicality and originality that always delivers !lol – miles better than some other producers who resort to over-used digital effects and tedious drum tracks behind every cut – ugh! :((


            “over-used digital effects and tedious drum tracks behind every cut” Over used? i think not! they are what most artists use today, and more and more reverb and depth are what jam lacks. Thompson is great but needs new stuff. also i think that some of Jam's jingles sound like they came off a tape. i like jam's newer vocals, and Thompsons are great! and Radioscape is really what thompson infuenced on the way things should sound.
            Also, a lot of what todays PDs are looking for is to NOT have to get a custom. Jam? i would go Custom. Thompson? go custom! can you post the Fresh NY jingles?

            Good Time Oldie

              I don't know why I am bothering to responed as I am guessing the original post was a bit of a wind up, afterall, how many genuine jingle lovers would described JAM jingles in the way KBAYFM did?.

              I am not here to defend both Jon W or Larry T, their work and good standing in the jingle world speaks for itself.

              However, I have been speaking with both gentlemen lately and can tell you BOTH companies are doing just fine thank you. Regarding the subject of new material, JAM will produce anything that a client wants, so it could be more down to the buyer going with the same tried and tested stuff instead of insisting on a newer sound. Jon was in the middle of producing the new “Fresh” material when I caught up with him, rushed off his feet bless him because the station concerned wanted the jingles on air “yesterday” (don't they all), and I think you'll agree the results were amazing !.

              Now regarding Larry at Thompson Creative, he nearly fell off his swivel chair when I asked about the condition of his company following a rumour on here that it was packing it all in to concentrate on “Commercial production”. He too is busy producing new material, but thanks you for your concerns.

              So just because a jingle company doesn't update their website on a regular basis, doesn't mean they are sat down doing nothing. Afterall, if a station wants a particular type of jingle they will speak directly to the company not just download stuff from their website,.

              Finally, did anyone buy a Radioscope Personal cut, how much was it,and what did you think of it?


              P.S With the exchange rate being so good at the mo, there's never been a better time to buy that jingle you always promised yourself.


                I am not going to respond about JAM as this person is just trying to

                (a) Wind Up Everyone

                Or (b) knows little about the Radio Industry or how Jingles should work

                As for Thompson well this has been confirmed by more that one person that he was planning to sell up the Jingles part of his Business, a person I know confirmed to me his was offered the entire Thompson creative Jingle Tracks

                The cost was so high that it would have been cheaper to re-record them from scratch!

                This could be why Larry Thompson has given up on the idea

                Regardless if a Jingle Company updates it site or not, If they have made some new custom jingles they would get played on the Air (otherwise what’s the point)

                JAM has its new Fresh Jingles on Air / in the past we had someone posted the WNIC jingles even though they have never made it to a demo

                Fact is I have not heard any off air imaging from Thompson Creative in well over 2 Years Now

                So if they are selling Custom Jingles to radio stations it must be the best kept secret in the Business!


                  thegobby1 wrote:
                  did anyone buy a Radioscope Personal cut, how much was it,and what did you think of it?

                  RadioScope charge $225 for Personal Cuts and the 2nd Jingle in on this months Jingle Network is an example of what they sound like


                    thegobby1 wrote:
                    Finally, did anyone buy a Radioscope Personal cut, how much was it,and what did you think of it?


                    P.S With the exchange rate being so good at the mo, there's never been a better time to buy that jingle you always promised yourself.

                    I was the first to get a RadioScape personal cut, and as Martin said you can hear it on TheJingleNetwork Podcast… it's the second jingle and sings 'Jingle News Monthly….. Jingle News Monthly has the news, don't miss a second. Let's get started!'

                    RadioScape were great to work with. I ordered my cut on a Thursday afternoon, payment was sent the next day and the cut was sung the following Monday with it being mixed out on Wednesday and I received the CD the following week. From ordering to getting the finished product it all took just under 2 weeks.

                    Unlike other companies who might have you waiting a month or two for a cut, they treat you just like a normal client and get your cut to you as quick as they can. I was really happy with the cut and customer service, and will definately go back to them soon (considering how good the exchange rate is now!!)

                    Cuts for non-broadcast are €237 including shipping.


                      Reverb and depth?

                      Listen to the backing tracks of any JAM cut closely and you'll audionically discover a wealth of instrumental layers making the sound of them unique.Use as your example the work that's been done down the years for KOST 103.5 in Los Angeles and then tell me that they lack depth…because they don't.

                      Reverb and flash effects may work for some,but not for everyone.As much as you would like it to sound like Reelworld and N2 Effect,the JAM sound is reknowned for it's clarity,richness and attention to detail.Jon works extremely hard to ensure the correct mix of backing track and vocal,sometimes working through the night to ensure that the product is not only to the client's,but to his satisfaction.

                      Furthermore,TheGobby1 quoted the following…

                      Regarding the subject of new material, JAM will produce anything that a client wants, so it could be more down to the buyer going with the same tried and tested stuff instead of insisting on a newer sound.

                      This means that when it comes down to it,it's the station that makes the ultimate decision about the sound they want,and put that idea forward for JAM to work from – whether it being a custom package or a composite of existing off the shelf stuff . Jon and his team of writers then have to sit down and interpret them,but do you think the station would put jingles to air that sound nothing like what their original idea was? No,they wouldn't,and if they couldn't get what they wanted,they would go to someone who could give them what they were looking for.

                      Hence the plaque in the front porch at Parkdale Drive,of which Mike Woolmans and Simon Sadler of the BBC are pointing to in this picture from the JAM website…..

                      As you're probably aware, “Tempus Consumit Res Creare” means “It Takes Time To Make Things”. JAM do – and it shows in the quality of the product. Many others have tried and failed … because they forgot that they might have the best studios,greatest singers and can turn round a package from scratch in a couple of days – but if their end product is crap,then they might as well not bother.

                      That's what's kept Jon in business for 33 years (and remember,that's longer than the original PAMS traded) and what made them the Number 1 choice for jingles….because they've constantly cared what the end product sounded like and never let those standards slip.Even though you may think that JAM are not prolific by not having posted new product on their websites (unlike the other guys) , the launch of something new by them still excites,still surprises and believe me, is always worth the wait.

                      Finally- ask yourself this question? Why didn't WABC,WLS,KOST,Mix 100 (once KIMN),and prior to 1996,the BBC (still the biggest purchaser of custom and syndicated cuts from Dallas) go elsewhere ?

                      Because they got the sound they wanted. And from whom?

                      That's who!




                        Guess who posted the same message twice!

                        JAM / PAMS

                          1. Everyone is entitled to have and post their opinion (no matter how uninformed it may be).

                          2. Thanks to those who went to the effort to post such eloquent messages supporting JAM.

                          3. According to the latest ratings (Winter 07 phase 2), KBAY-FM is in 24th place in San Francisco with a 1.2 while KOST (Coast 103.5) in Los Angeles, with their “sound like an amateur band put them together” JAM jingles, is tied for #1 with a 4.6 (beating KIIS-FM with their “…digital effects and…drum tracks behind every cut”). So whose advice would you be guided by?

                          Jingles are advertising for your station. The object is, was, and should always be, to put the most effective material on the air. It's not about trying to prove what a great hit record producer you would have been, and what a large drum loop and sample collection you have. We know how to make effective jingles in whatever style you want. There's more to it than just singing over a drum loop.

                          I know it is politically incorrect for me to respond in this way, but I believe our jingles and the ratings results our clients get speak for themselves. It's nothing personal (see comment #1 above.)


                            Go Jon Go!


                              Martin Lester wrote:
                              Fact is I have not heard any off air imaging from Thompson Creative in well over 2 Years Now

                              well i am about to change that! oh and by the way! i used thompson for three stations. KBAY 2000 (real sunny) B-94.5 2002 (real sunny end tag resings) KBAY 933/945 (crecent city magic) KBAY (crecent city magic end tag resings) and now the no one package acording to our listiners Reelworld's WSNI 2007 pack. (which beats koits sound)

                              downloads are no1 WLMG resings no 2 is WSNI 2004




                                Well, if the original post was designed to provoke a reaction, it certainly worked! I think this comment of Jon W's is spot-on: “It's not about trying to prove what a great hit record producer you would have been”. GB


                                  After 25 years in British radio I escaped just before the 'suits' moved in, when there was a huge 'fashion change' in 1994 ~ much of it flavoured by the opinions of Australian 'consultants'. I was only recently tempted back (as a presenter) by a group who put personality and individuality ahead of profit and fashion. So, I feel well positioned to judge what happened after 1994.

                                  The relevance to this discussion is that since 1994 NO ONE NEW has come along, who can create dynamic or lush jingles, using real musicians.

                                  The truly talented people who can create radio ID's that work LONG TERM ~ and are not just a synthetic flash in the pan, are the SAME people who dominated the industry then. Jon absorbed the talent and heritage from PAMS and moved the business on to a new level. He kept THE singers together, and added to them for over 30 years, creating his own 'jingle kingdom' in Dallas. Still to this day he uses the most talented people around, the latest WABC package utilised the incredible skills of Tom Merriman, and no one has the diversity of back catalogue tracks JAM has. JAM is the benchmark we have to judge all the other companies by.

                                  The fact is that JAM can still sell packages from 10 – 15 years ago as the QUALITY was so good they still SHINE, and WORK with music…. a Rolls Royce of jingles, not a Camaro.


                                    Dear Mr.KBAY you claim your listeners or “listiners”, say the Reelworld package is number 1….. prove it.


                                      Thank you Jon for setting the record straight. Not that you ever should have had to. And nice, “I got your back” move from Bruce. Two classy guys, with time tested talent, that know what jingles are all about. I applaud you.



                                        LenGroat wrote:

                                        After 25 years in British radio I escaped just before the 'suits' moved in, when there was a huge 'fashion change' in 1994 ~ much of it flavoured by the opinions of Australian 'consultants'. I was only recently tempted back (as a presenter) by a group who put personality and individuality ahead of profit and fashion. So, I feel well positioned to judge what happened after 1994.

                                        The relevance to this discussion is that since 1994 NO ONE NEW has come along, who can create dynamic or lush jingles, using real musicians.

                                        The truly talented people who can create radio ID's that work LONG TERM ~ and are not just a synthetic flash in the pan, are the SAME people who dominated the industry then. Jon absorbed the talent and heritage from PAMS and moved the business on to a new level. He kept THE singers together, and added to them for over 30 years, creating his own 'jingle kingdom' in Dallas. Still to this day he uses the most talented people around, the latest WABC package utilised the incredible skills of Tom Merriman, and no one has the diversity of back catalogue tracks JAM has. JAM is the benchmark we have to judge all the other companies by.

                                        The fact is that JAM can still sell packages from 10 – 15 years ago as the QUALITY was so good they still SHINE, and WORK with music…. a Rolls Royce of jingles, not a Camaro.

                                        While I do hold a lot of respect for you Len and 100% agree with your comments about JAM, as I have said before its a pity the company that you now work for did not put as much attention to the Jingles as the rest of the station,

                                        I think you once said you can't understand why a station would buy a 16 Cut package with the same line on every cut but that’s what Smooth Radio have done, this along with a set of jingles and a vocal group that just does not cut it,

                                        The Logo is so downbeat its just depressing!

                                        The 1st week of the station I heard one of the cuts going into the stones satisfaction and well it just sounded a mess

                                        Go on the street and ask 10 People if they could sing one of the cuts, I think you would get a very poor response

                                        Now ask 10 people in LAX if they could sing the KOST Logo, I think the results would speak for themselves![/color


                                          “I know it is politically incorrect for me to respond in this way,…”

                                          Not at all, Jon !

                                          There's nothing wrong with standing up for integrity & quality !

                                          but I believe our jingles and the ratings results our clients get speak for themselves. It's nothing personal (see comment #1 above.)


                                            And it looks like the new sound of JAM in New York City is making its mark, according to the NY Daily News:

                                            'Fresh' & Mexican formats playing well
                                            Radio Dial
                                            By DAVID HINCKLEY
                                            DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER

                                            The biggest success story, for a company that badly needs one, was WWFS (102.7 FM), which launched in January as “Fresh,” promising to play less “tired” adult-contemporary music than WLTW.

                                            Fresh almost doubled its listenership from its old dance format, and reached the top 10 among listeners 25-54. It's also top 10 in midday workplace listening.

                                            “We're thrilled,” said general manager Maire Mason. “We're right where we hoped to be. People are excited about us.”

                                            Program director Jim Ryan of WLTW, which adjusted its own music to be slightly more current, said he's not concerned.

                                            “Any time another station spends millions of dollars on TV ads and we drop only a little bit, I'm happy,” he said.

                                            Geoff Barton


                                              KBAYFM wrote:
                                              especialy jam, their jingles sound like a amatur band put them together. and one again, How many stations Have had Crecent city magic from THCR resung?

                                              You sound like you're on a mission . . . . ~:(


                                                is there a page 2?

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