Another true story…

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      John Hoare has posted on Twitter…
      Oooh, what’s this which popped into my inbox from @AJMusicProds the other day? Original versions first, then my resing:


        That’s a great jingle Duncan with superb vocals! Wish more stations here would buy and use Anthony’s great jingles!


          Does this mean….{ gasp } that AJ does …….. Personal Cuts ?


            Iain, a little birdie tells me that 40 classic cuts will be available in the near future.


              Now that would be nice!

              Power FM perhaps, or Spire … Whitechapel … City …. ?

              NB – if AJ is reading this – did you do the West Sound launch package or “just” the later “reverb-free-vocals” one?


                Hi everyone! So yes, It is true…so help me God…:-) I am compiling an AJ Classic re-sing package of 40 or so Cuts to re-sing on the original AJ 80’s90’s tracks . I am hoping the comp to be available in the next two weeks. So you can choose from 40 of the classic early Radio One, Q101 and City etc cuts to order a re-sing. Duncan…YOU and John Hoare made me realise that the time was right. More info soon. Thanks to you guys and all of you for your support. AJ


                  Now that would be nice!

                  Power FM perhaps, or Spire … Whitechapel … City …. ?

                  NB – if AJ is reading this – did you do the West Sound launch package or “just” the later “reverb-free-vocals” one?

                  The launch package was us yes, but I do want to make clear there was a big story behind this and I am planning on an audio podcast to tell the stages of this and many other projects (including SW) how we go about making them and background stories etc. Watch JM space! AJ


                    John Hoare has posted on Twitter…
                    Oooh, what’s this which popped into my inbox from @AJMusicProds the other day? Original versions first, then my resing:

                    Duncan and John, I don’t even remember our group singing those cuts in the montage…but well done for reminding me. I really appreciate your love of our product (American speak) and look forward to singing many others in the near future. AJ


                      “planning on an audio podcast to tell the stages of this and many other projects”

                      Will look forward to that!

                      I was going to ask a bit more about the West Sound material, but I’ll leave off that rather than clutter things up.

                      ONE question though:- West Sound was one of the stations that effectively did just 12/14 hours or so a day
                      because of the needle-time – they “closed down” each evening with a couple-of-minutes-long very atmospheric
                      “Two-Nine-Oh” item usually referred to in Jingle-land as “Mystical Waters ” – was that an AJ production ?


                        That resing is brilliant and makes a nice change to the usual JAM cuts.

                        A lot of the time, most of the posts on JingleMad these days don’t grab my attention, but this thread is an exception! The real possibility of getting my own AJ re-sing; now that would be cool! Topped off with podcasts giving the stories behind the historical projects, I can’t wait! Thanks AJ.


                          I wasn’t going to post mine until my 80s project is complete but…


                            Brilliant, definitely one of my favourite AJ SWITA cuts!


                              Most exciting News in a long time (Admittedly, I do lead a pretty dull life these days ;-) ) I’ll be in that queue for an AJ style re-sing


                                Most exciting News in a long time (Admittedly, I do lead a pretty dull life these days ;-) ) I’ll be in that queue for an AJ style re-sing

                                Ditto……. ;-)


                                  I wasn’t going to post mine until my 80s project is complete but…

                                  Like the comparison, happy to re-sing these cuts for you. The AJ Classic Re-sings package is growing to over 100 cuts. More soon. AJ


                                    Well done to all involved. Duncan and John have something really special to treasure there.

                                    I would have preferred the vocals further back in the mix though – or the track louder !


                                      I am joining that queue right now…


                                        Great News , I have for a long time been a AJ Jingles fan so looking forward to joining the Queue


                                          “I would have preferred the vocals further back in the mix though – or the track louder !”

                                          Now I’d noticed that too on the newer AJ re-sings above, and also particulalry on some PAMS material from JAM of late.

                                          Either OUR ears are getting “older”, OR, the “PRODUCERS” ears are when doing the mix-downs!
                                          (…and its not my aging PC’s sound card at all…)


                                            Hi Guys, so here’s how that vocal mix goes. Most clients could complain that the vocals sit back in the mix too much and are not clear enough. This happens quite a bit. Back in the day we mixed vocals to appear mono and the music information wide stereo. I prefer that sound so my intention, going forward, is to do mono vocal versions ones like you’ve hear on the re-sings in the package for a new client as well as the stereo forward mix. That should keep everyone happy!! Another thing is Mastering…if I spoke about that we’d be here all day. :-)


                                              What. A. Superb. Idea.

                                              Nice one AJ… could be seriously tempted by this…

                                              “Playin’ your favourites, every morning…”


                                                Quite excited by this. Like my JAM cuts – please, nobody tell the wife!

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