Just to supplement all the excellent stuff above, some of the Lantern variants.
(I can’t believe I compiled this OMM in 2007! Were we really doing them as far back as that?!?)
And what a real INDEPENDENT local station looked like back then – and that was our scabby old blue Rover 200 parked outside.
Keen-eyed observers who haven’t seen my pics before will note the 1.44 Mb 3.5-inch floppies carefully lined up on the desk at the OB studio in the main concourse inside Barnstaple shopping centre (yes, it was in a conservatory).
– one floppy per wav file for EACH ad.
Sadly I can’t find any photos of the inside of the “Light House” main building there (old APS camera);
but the studio was a cramped affair at the back, lots of glass panelling which was covered with car stickers (remember them?) from other ILRs and overseas stations.