AJ Classic re-sings Series #1

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      Always exciting to get THOSE emails in your inbox – i have no doubt it is excellent!


        Maybe we should start a separate thread with our AJ personal cuts? :-)


          Wonder if I get the Gold Star for being the first to “Air” an AJ personal Cut? :-)
          Here’s a Drop-Box link to a 60 second scoop of the 2 Jingles. No doubt you’ll spot there are actually 3 in this clip, the first being a JAM one,



            Nice but bordering on distortion here – I would run the limiter over that audio and knock off at least 3dB !


              Ok here are my AJ cuts. The main cut and two of the mixes. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/ronseeth/sets/the-ron-seeth-show-aj-productions


                On a technical point:
                Interesting looking at scotron’s cuts in an editor.
                “Track 2 (02)” is semi instrumental of “Track 3 (08)”, yet when you line the waveforms up one cut is missing 0.026 of audio (i.e. they’ve been edited at different points).

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                Heard individually, you would never notice. But as an avid editor of audio with a very keen ear, I noticed an anomaly on the original length version “Track 1 (01)” which got my OCD tingling.

                The hightlighted “maroon” section is where the 2 cuts are synchronised perfectly. Now looking at the beginning in “blue”, the cuts are clearly different lengths – it’s the same jingle apart from one being semi instrumental and the other being the vocal version.

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                  And to think I used to worry about JAM over-emphasising the very last “nnnnn” of my name as “…nnnNNGH!”
                  Until Jon explained the technical “why” …..

                  Got to admit the editing on Ron’s mixouts is very smooth-flowing indeed.
                  Great work by AJ!


                    Thanks Iain. Am trying to understand gameswizards’s post. Hell sounds good to me…:-) Ok, Iain, what was it about your name that had to be over-emphasised etc. We need to know.. :-)


                      Thanks Iain. Am trying to understand gameswizards’s post. Hell sounds good to me…:-) Ok, Iain, what was it about your name that had to be over-emphasised etc. We need to know.. :-)

                      You’re not the only one, Ron! Both yours and Chris’s AJ cuts are sounding good. Look forward to hearing everybody else’s cuts.


                        Due to a few personal issues I missed out on the first session

                        Hopefully the next one

                        Anyway the cuts I have heard so far sound great


                          Hi all. Thanks for the positive comments. My editor is working on a quick montage of some of the re-sings while I am away. The next session is on July 17th. It was really fun to do these and in September we will be releasing Series#2 of more classic stuff. Many thanks. AJ


                            “September we will be releasing Series#2 of more classic stuff”

                            Daft question – will it include the “all time favourite” … “Spire FM – with Woods in Salisbury” !!! ???


                              Here’s my re-sing of cut 8 “Steve Wright in the Morning!”


                                Chris and Ron – LOVE your re-sings, AMAZING!


                                  Thanks all. We have put a rapid montage of the recent re-sings on sound cloud. One thing, there are several clients that prior to ordering do not wish to make their personal cuts available to hear. It might sound strange but I am honoring that. Here is the link.
                                  Listen to AJ CLASSIC RE – SINGS SERIES #1 SAMPLE OF RECENT CLIENTS by AJ Classic Jingle Re-Sings #np on #SoundCloud


                                    Thanks AJ. Terrific to hear some of your classic cuts re-done to the same high quality ;-)


                                      My order to join the growing number of people with AJ classic cuts was placed last week. So far it has been an absolute pleasure to deal with AJ and I can’t wait to hear the end result next month! Unlike the party poopers AJ mentions, I will be happy to share the end result.


                                        I’m very tempted… might wait to see what cuts are in series 2.

                                        Sean Martin

                                          Unlike the party poopers AJ mentions, I will be happy to share the end result.

                                          Thanks Mark ;)


                                            As a bank holiday bonus, my new AJ Classic Re-Sing landed in my inbox this morning!!!


                                            It’s took a little longer than expected but it’s definitely been worth the wait and I’m well-chuffed with the end result. Thanks AJ for a cut that certainly stands out with some of my best re-sings.


                                              It’s a great cut and resing Mark – sounds amazing and I really like the vocal mix.
                                              Overall I think we can say its the dogs b’s :)
                                              Great work from AJ – again


                                                Nice one Mark. Worth the wait I would say…


                                                  That’s fantastic!


                                                    Clearly Hodgey and I both have immaculate taste ;-)
                                                    Here are my couple of new ones – I think Top quality again from AJ, as usual…..



                                                      Great choice of cuts Chris, especially the second one. ;-) Sounding good!

                                                      There’s nothing wrong per say, but something didn’t sound quite right with the bed version and it’s only when I’ve gone back to listen to the original Steve Wright version that I’ve finally been able to put my finger on it. It is the end part that is slightly different in that the drums drop out sooner and there a couple of additional notes missing on the end.

                                                      Here’s the original Steve Wright track for you to compare: https://youtu.be/GoOs57z1Tvw?t=4m7s

                                                      Using the above track from AJ’s wonderful Steve Wright archive jingles montage and my acappella, I’ve done a second version of my montage:

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