Serving the universe
I set this up a couple of months back but have not done anything with it or really even know how to use it!
Feel free to add and play . . . . maybe we can make it into something ?
David Hemsley wrote: I set this up a couple of months back but have not done anything with it or really even know how to use it! Feel free to add and play . . . . maybe we can make it into something ?
David Hemsley wrote: I set this up a couple of months back but have not done anything with it or really even know how to use it!
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in \Hosting\4756193\html\jinglewiki\includes\db\Database.php on line 634
Works for me… and it's a pretty neat idea, I must say!
mjb1124 wrote: Works for me… and it's a pretty neat idea, I must say!
Yeah, it will pretty good to see some of the articles for jingle-giants like Top Format or JAM or ReelWorld…
How about adding the definitions of jingles, ramps, doughnuts, etc like what was listed on JM before?