Radio 1’s Most Insulting Jingle?

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  • #9284

      Hey Guys!!

      Long time no see, so glad ive found you all again!
      I often love going through my collection of R1 jingles through the ages and came across this….. How on earth did they think this was an acceptable jingle to play for the likes of Whitney Houston. hahaha.


        Hey Guys!!

        Long time no see, so glad ive found you all again!
        I often love going through my collection of R1 jingles through the ages and came across this….. How on earth did they think this was an acceptable jingle to play for the likes of Whitney Houston. hahaha.

        Erm… woops? Who had the idea for that one?


          Er, “political correctness” values (?) tend to change over time.


            I remember the original singing “Funky Chunky, Sexy, Soulful….. Music Radio, 1FM.” me thinks some editing has taken place. lol


              This was an ALT cut to that very Jingle. Just thought i would share it for those that haven’t heard it. Its 100% from JAM… just an awful cut.


                “Sexy” and “Soulful” certainly would have fit Whitney better. Even aside from it being insulting/non-PC, I don’t see how anyone would have thought of Whitney in her prime as “chunky”. Just a bizarre lyrical choice.

                EDIT: looking back, I see this was for when Whitney was a guest presenter. I guess as long as she had a sense of humor about it…


                  I remember about 5 years ago whilst working on the Isle of Man, and listening to Energy FM (one of the commercial stations on the Island) and thinking “I’ve heard that Jingle before somewhere!” Don’t know if the owner of Energy was a Radio 1 fan, but they had loads of Radio 1 90’s JAM resings. The JAM jingles kept me tuned to the station for the best part of a year anyway!

                  Here’s the cut…



                    Do you have any of the jingles you posted on soundcloud from 2000 not mixed in together as I would like to listen the top 40 ones separated if possible, no worries just a good bunch of jingles all in their own equal right I reckon, thanks in advance > @Nickpledge1 said:
                    > Hey Guys!!
                    > Long time no see, so glad ive found you all again!
                    > I often love going through my collection of R1 jingles through the ages and came across this….. How on earth did they think this was an acceptable jingle to play for the likes of Whitney Houston. hahaha.
                    > @Nickpledge1 said:
                    > Hey Guys!!
                    > Long time no see, so glad ive found you all again!
                    > I often love going through my collection of R1 jingles through the ages and came across this….. How on earth did they think this was an acceptable jingle to play for the likes of Whitney Houston. hahaha.

                    JAM / PAMS

                      The “funky chunky Whitney Houston” mix was a JOKE. We combined the first 2 words of the original lyric, with the end of the Whitney version just to be silly. It was never intended for air, and never was aired. Now do you see why it’s dangerous for copies of things to get out on the internet without the background information that goes with them?


                        Schneez. That’s why I’m very leary about things on You Tube and other places. Somebody was selling a collection of Ben Freedman or KenR (cant remember which)stuff. I had a very bad feeling about

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