Just like to thank bodo1980 for posting the Freeway demo for
the current Latina (Paris) custom package.
Regular JM'ers know I'm always on the look-out for Freeway
material “in-the-clear”, especially Cherie FM, Nostalgie, France Bleu,
and also re-sings for any of “Les Independants”.
I know Freeway's “little songs” are not to everyone's tastes, but
I find them very lively, exceptionally well-written produced and
performed, and (IMPO) certainly not as sterile & lifeless musically
lyrically & vocally as so much of contemporary UK & US product (and
they certainly give a station a very definite & distinctive “sound”,
something lacking in so many “identikit” UK stations).
Having heard Latina on-air in the past, a “niche” station format like
that can commercially thrive in Paris, yet in the UK any kind of sideways
format wouldn't get a look-in!