Serving the universe
Hi All,
I have always thought that the S2Blue PAMS Re-Sings in the past haven’t been that good BUT Watch/Listen to this Video and you can hardly notice the difference from a real 1960’s Dallas Sing (IMHO) What has changed to achieve this magnificent sound?
I thought Steve did a really good job with the Sonovox
The singers are on top form – great work by the crew at S2Blue.
That is top notch authentic work! Excellent! 🙂
Yes Very Good and Steve England is the only person that can do Sonovox in the UK !
“Steve England is the only person that can do Sonovox in the UK !”
Steve is undoubtably THE Master at the craft in the UK.
Although “someone from the Potteries” didn’t do too badly at all for “home-brew” ones I have to say. Even if they were “Cheesy” ! :^)