Hello – and this is a point for everyone – when telling us about new stuff like this can you direct us to the official web site rather than your own.
This “go to my website for more” is becoming too frequent on here – we have an adequate signature slot at the bottom of your post for you to advertise your news sites.
It seems that some people merely use us as a tool to redirect to their own sites. That doesn't help discussion, which is what we are here for.
Please also remember that JingleMad and Jingle Network News are also news sites – and generous as we are here, it gets tiresome seeing other sites in direct competition, as friendly as that might be, redirecting “for more details”
So in future – and this is now a rule – if you have jingle news on your site please only post a link to an official site, or submitit to us for our own news feed.
Thank you.