Channel 103 Montage Three now available in Anorak’s Corner.
Thanks one and all for all the comments on the montages so far, much appreciated!
(And gameswizard – spot on!
“Quote: gameswizard: Great compilation.what a pity some of the jingles sound like they’ve
been chopped to bits with a butchers knife!”
Yes, you must have damn good hearing (or know your jingles extremely well!) – there
were a couple of little bits (just the odd note or two) nipped out on a couple of the cuts for
technical reasons – I never expected anyone to notice!
(AND – if anyone can PM me to tell me if they can detect the subliminal audio marker
AND what it says, then I’ll happily send them a CD with some of the Ch103 cuts
in the clear and full quality!)
Some station cuts ARE however remixes with various parts of the vocals or
instrumentation/effects mixed out – thats why I’ve been including some
of these variants in montages as they don’t always get heard on-air.