The mini-documentary tracing the history of jingles used by Musicradio 77 WABC New York is now available online for streaming or download. This was first presented over the course of 3 weeks in December 2019 by Jon Wolfert on his weekly Rewound Radio show. A consolidated, and slightly improved version is available here:
A Heckuva “compilation” from a former jingle “afficianado” and now a LEADER in Jingle production. You cannot say enough about Jon Wolfert’s PASSION for jingles and the “History of WABC’s jingles” displays that PASSION
Good news! The “Barbershop Fun” cut from series 33B for WABC has been found in a YouTube video about PAMS acapellas. It’s at 40 seconds into the video and it was re-sung for at least one station, WHB in Kansas City, and the WHB version of the cut has the word “nutty” instead of “lovely”.