I’ve been meaning to write this thread for a while but got the time today to do the montage.
Whilst on Holiday I was listening to the Wise Buddah catalogue and a lot of the packages really grow on me.
I’ve enclosed a montage of some of the cuts I really love – for me they do everything a great jingles should be. I love that the tracks have a great beat and are punchy.
for me they are the most exciting material at the moment and the one I play over and over.
The little touches like the Duran Duran cut. I also have a preference for these vocals over Reelworld or IQ Beats.
Obviously the Radio 2 cuts allow more room using the orchestra but their packages make a big difference to the on air sound of stations. it really lifted Mix 96 in Aylesbury. The 2014 GEM106 cuts which have not received much coverage on here ( other than a mention by Len ) are really nice. Yes it would be nice to have more variety in the lyrics ( in lyric choice not that term ) and more cuts but I prefer them to the new Heart package.
Paul and the team at Wise Buddah are creating some really nice material.
So these cuts are some of the ones I really like.