Whose You?

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  • #10555

      In the spirit of all the quizzes at the moment, Bob Dinan has a feisty ‘Whose ‘You’? montage at:


        As “someone who was around” at the time of the You concepts first appearing, and with a stereo reel at the time of WYUU’s package (“Right On Super U, Twin Cities”), and with a much later dub of the Beacon UK versions, I THOUGHT I could always “tell the difference” (the texture of the vocals, the brass section/strings, EQ, mixing, etc).

        But there’s one US station in there that now has me beginning to wonder if at some point “someone” had a re-sing of UK tracks??? I won’t say which, don’t want to spoil anything. But I’m now doubting my “ears” a bit :-?

        As for the “guess which” at the end. Is that actually FROM “You 1”?

        Tracy Carman

          I think I’ll bow out on this competition. I’ve heard these tracks ad nauseam… so… !!!

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