I’m new to the forum and this is my first post! I’m a musician in Akron, Ohio and have a new found love for jingles! A particularly catchy commercial jingle that is still in use in the NE Ohio area is for a chain of drug stores called Discount Drug Mart. I recently chatted with Marketing director for the stores and expressed interest in obtaining a copy of the jingle. She was very nice and willing to oblige and ended up sending me 3 cuts. The full version, a shorter cut and a holiday version. She expressed that the original jingle was recorded in 1969 and that it had only been modernized a few times, although she didn’t say when. By the sound of it, I’m guessing maybe late 80’s/early 90’s.
I’m wondering if some of the experts of the forum might know more about this jingle. I have a hunch it may have been recorded locally. The instrumentals sound like all midi and one guitar to me, so I’m guessing it wasn’t the world’s largest budget, although I really like the soloist and group vocals. The holiday cut seems to be older and I’m not particularly crazy about it. The next step is learn more about it and find the original!
Looking forward to learning more about jingles and meeting fellow jingle enthusiasts! -Anthony
Hi Anthony. Welcome aboard. Most of us are chiefly interested in radio IDs rather than commercials, so you probably won’t get lots of response. Certainly it’s new to me and I can see why you like it. Sorry not to have more insight into its origins.